Ken's iPad Reflection, Week 3

Since my first iPad Reflection, I’ve been using the iPad for doing the assigned readings. I like how Safari can open a PDF file in the browser (I don’t believe Chrome for Android does this) and also that it gives you to the choice to open it in iBook. It’s been a nice change to read on the iPad. Certainly it’s easier on the eyes than using my desktop monitor. I’m not sure how a Retina display monitor would compare though.

I’ve also started looking for other alternatives to Lekh Diagram, the diagramming app I’ve been using. One thing I like about iOS is that I feel safer just downloading a half dozen apps that look interesting and trying them out.  I previously did the same thing while looking for an image editing app for my Weekly Create. On Android I’d do a bit more research like reading the app reviews to make sure I’m not downloading something malicious.

Ken's iPad Reflection, Week 2: What's in My Bag?

my bag

  • winter hat, black
  • micro USB charger
  • white envelope containing coupons, receipts, etc.
  • wallet
  • electronic cigarette “mod” with rebuildable drip atomizer
  • 1 eraser
  • 3 ballpoint pens, 2 black and 1 multicolored
  • 2 folders containing various papers and blank looseleaf sheets
  • metal business card holder filled with my business cards
  • pair of Apple headphones, unopened
  • Two 18650 batteries
  • Nutri-Grain bar, apple cinnamon
  • pack of tissues, unopened
  • iPhone/iPad charger
  • iPad Air
  • 3 mechanical pencils
  • USB thumb drive, 64 GB
  • USB thumb drive, 4 GB

Most surprising: The electronic cigarette. People often used to be surprised I smoked and now they’re surprised that I used to smoke.

What I can’t live without: The wallet, the e-cig, the winter hat in this weather.

What could be replaced by the iPad: Most easily the envelope containing coupons and receipts, but that will take further technological change. If the world goes paperless I could see potentially getting rid of the folders and writing implements, but until then, in a world with math homework I don’t see getting rid of good old paper, pencil, and eraser. I suppose the thumb drives could be replaced if the iPad was easier to use as a regular storage device and had more space.

Personal Introduction – Ken

My name is Ken, I’m from Long Island and I’m interested in mobile and web development, software engineering, and music. I’m taking this class because it sounded amazing and it was recommended by Meg Schedel. I’ve been part of her Cuddle Time group for three semesters and created an app with her called Drum Circle, which is an web-based collaborative drum machine. My comfort level with technology is very strong. I’m a Comp Sci major and my primary business and hobby is creating software.

Social Networks

I’m an occasionally user of several social networks, although I’m not the most active poster. I try to stay quiet until I have something unique to say, and as a reader I appreciate others who take the same view.

I like Twitter, however I don’t like how I have to follow a whole person. What I mean is I tend to follow a lot of software people, but I’m not interested in other aspects of their lives. I like the way Pinterest lets you create boards for each topic and you can choose which to follow. I’m also on Facebook, Quora, Stack Overflow, LinkedIn, and Google+ (barely).

Is there any area of life that technology is not a part of?

Technology is absolutely everywhere, even if it’s old technology. Humans have the drive to make every area of life easier and more effective, and have done so for thousands of years.

Reply All: The Writing on the Wall

I had heard about Yik Yak but hadn’t tried it until after I listened to this podcast. I actually had an idea for this type of app about 4 years ago but decided not to pursue it. I had mentioned the idea to my Mom (who is African-American) and she pointed out that it could lead to bullying and a mob mentality. Looking back it’s interesting that she’s the one who had that insight.

I knew this kind of racism existed, but never thought it would be quite so public in this day and age, especially on college campuses which are supposed to be bastions of liberalism. Actually I suppose it’s not really “public” since the haters are anonymous but it has very real consequences IRL.

Disruption + Innovation

I found the part about Toyota interesting, and it made me think about makers of low-end Android phones and tablets. In most countries besides the US and Japan, Android has a majority market share. However Apple makes the majority of the profit at the high end in first world countries. Cars are different though I suppose since they’re much higher priced items. Also a lot of the money in mobile is made after the initial device is sold, for instance Amazon can afford to sell hardware at cost or even at a loss, but the tie-in to their ecosystem more than makes up for it.

I feel that college could be displaced by online courses such as MOOCs, but only if there’s a way to deliver an approximate substitute for the social experience. Perhaps this would take a form similar to Coworking spaces.

Disrupting the Classroom

Honestly I’m a bit skeptical about attempting to harness social networking channels into the classroom. My personal feeling is that I would be less likely to engage through Twitter for instance than participating face to face. I tend to be pretty self-conscious and knowing what I say would be saved on the Internet and also tweeted out to my followers would probably make me more self-conscious.

Also I’m not sure how asking questions online would compare to asking them in the moment. On the one hand you’re not disrupting the lecturer’s flow, on the other hand will they remember the context when they address an 140 character question about something from 15 minutes ago?

I do however very much like the idea of using tools like Yammer for private class communication, and using things like Trello and Google Docs for group projects. I adore Trello and use it for my personal projects all the time.

Ken's iPad Reflection, Week 1

iPad Air

It’s the second day since I unboxed my shiny new iPad Air. It’s a sleek little machine.

I knew going in that it wouldn’t fully replace the desktop experience. As a programmer I had no illusions about being able to install my IDE of choice (IntelliJ IDEA). However I have found it useful for diagramming and planning my software. Maybe I can finally upgrade my system of clipboard and stacks of scrap paper (thank you Professor Prusslin for giving such a crazy amount of handouts, it’s kept me going for years).

So far I’ve been using the app Lekh Diagram. The free version lacks the ability to export your diagrams, but for my uses that’s been fine. I look forward to exploring other apps, and I have nothing against investing the cost of a turkey wrap¹ if it’ll help get the job done.

It’ll be nice to test the app I’ve been developing on this tablet. I recently joined the iOS developer program and plan to release my first app for the platform, only having done Android up until now. I’ve already successfully provisioned the device, pushed my app to it, and found a few sizing issues I’ll need to address.

I noticed the iPad came with GarageBand preinstalled. As a sometimes composer I was curious to try it out, but when I try to open it it just closes right away. The same happens with Numbers, iTunes U, iMovie, Pages, and Keynote.

¹ Despite having working there I don’t really drink Starbucks.