iPad Reflection: What's In Your Bag – Chris



Name: Chris

Place: New York

Occupation:  Student/Amateur Internet Connoisseur

At this moment It would be extremely difficult to live without my MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro charge, iPhone, keys, and wallet. As for things I can replace with the iPad, I don’t think I could replace anything. If I print something at the computing centers at my university I put them in the folder. The notebook is good for when I need to hand in loose leaf. Pens to write on said loose leaf. The most surprising thing I carry is the clicker because I have no immediate use for it.

Here’s what I have in my bag today (left to right, top to bottom):

  • VGA/HDMI to Lightning Bolt converter
  • Wallet
  • Pens (5)
  • Macbook Pro
  • iPad
  • Keys
  • Nametag for class
  • iPad charger
  • Blistex
  • iPhone
  • Wired mouse
  • Altoids (2)
  • Hand warmers
  • Macbook charger
  • Turning Technologies clicker
  • Moleskine notebook
  • Notebook
  • Folder


Post via Email

This is a really only a test of a post via an email from my iPad. We can easily use mobile Safari, but I would like to make posting as simple as possible, so this is an option. I will provide instructions on how to enable this once we get together face to face. Our implementation of WordPress uses Shibboleth as the authentication method which is not supported on the App Store based iOS WordPress apps. If you know of one that works, leave it in the comments.