Name: Chris
Place: New York
Occupation: Student/Amateur Internet Connoisseur
At this moment It would be extremely difficult to live without my MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro charge, iPhone, keys, and wallet. As for things I can replace with the iPad, I don’t think I could replace anything. If I print something at the computing centers at my university I put them in the folder. The notebook is good for when I need to hand in loose leaf. Pens to write on said loose leaf. The most surprising thing I carry is the clicker because I have no immediate use for it.
Here’s what I have in my bag today (left to right, top to bottom):
- VGA/HDMI to Lightning Bolt converter
- Wallet
- Pens (5)
- Macbook Pro
- iPad
- Keys
- Nametag for class
- iPad charger
- Blistex
- iPhone
- Wired mouse
- Altoids (2)
- Hand warmers
- Macbook charger
- Turning Technologies clicker
- Moleskine notebook
- Notebook
- Folder