(2022-07) Our paper accepted by Journal of Environmental Informatics
(2021-01) Start a Teaching Assistantship on CS 6324.0W1 – Information Security – S21 at UT Dallas.
(2020-11) Our research has been reported: Mizzou Engineers, USGS Create Tool to Test Oil in Water.
(2020-08) Start a Teaching Assistantship on CS 4337: Organization of Programming Languages at UT Dallas.
(2020-06) Graduate from University of Missouri! Check my thesis Application of reinforcement learning for battery design.
(2019-10) Our new server for post-translational modification prediction MusiteDeep is online now!
(2019-6) Start an internship at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, work with Prof. Kevin Gimpel and Prof. Jinbo Xu.
(2019-3) Start a remote machine learning internship at a start-up, Automat Solutions, Inc.
(2019-1) Start a Teaching Assistantship for DATA_SCI 8630: Data Mining and Information Retrieval.
(2018-10) Attend 2018 Deep Learning Summit in Toronto, CA. Glad to meet Dr. Geoffrey Hinton there!
(2018-10) Our paper accepted by IEEE MSN 2018.
(2018-06) My thesis: Design and Implementation of Indoor Localization System Based on Multi-sensor Fusion is awarded the outstanding undergraduate thesis of Northeastern University, China.
(2017-11) Attend BIBM2017 in Kansas City, MO, present poster.
(2017-8) Start a Research Assistant-ship at digbio lab, University of Missouri.
(2017-5) Start a Internship at Neusoft, Inc. working on capstone project.
(2017-2) Start a Student Internship at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences.