4/21 – Seong Un Kim

Wide Show and Feedback Loop in Postwar Japanese Television

Speaker: Seong Un Kim (PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago)

Discussant: William Feeney (PhD Student, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago)

Date/Time: April 21, 4:15 to 6:00pm

Venue: John Hope Franklin Room (Social Science Research Building, 224)

Paper: Seong Un Kim-EATRH

11/21: Seong Un Kim

Keeping Television Pure and Clear: the Social Background of the Discourse on “Vulgar” Television in Japan


Date and Time: 11/21/2013 (Thu), 4 – 6pm

Venue: John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224)

Discussant: William Feeney (PhD candidate, Anthropology)


Anyone with disabilities who needs assistance to access the venue, please get in touch with Guo-Quan at gqseng@uchicago.edu