The polls provided below were developed by the EINet Measurement Working Group. The Group’s primary goal is to develop and refine survey questions that accurately capture different sources of employment instability in today’s labor market, and these polls incorporate items we are refining. By providing estimates of the prevalence of aspects of employment instability not included in most national surveys, the polls may also prove useful in informing public policy. The polling data included in the links below only report the basic distributions on the questions polled; the distribution of responses by respondent characteristics are not included here.
The polls were conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP); a description of PPP’s methodology can be found at Note that PPP’s samples are developed from records of registered voters and that our screening questions further limit the sample to workers who are currently employed. We thank Dean Debnam, CEO of Public Policy Polling, for collaborating with us on this initiative and Jim Williams of PPP for working with us to prepare the polls for fielding.