Month: April 2018

Protected: Richard Strier (Sulzberg Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus – English, University of Chicago) “‘Devout Humanism’ and Its Problems: George Herbert & François de Sales”.

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April 16th – Craig Kallendorf (Texas A&M University) – “Virgil and the Censors: Printing across the Confessional Divide”

Dear all,
Please join the Early Modern & Mediterranean Worlds (1200-1800) Workshop on April 16th from 5 to 6.30pm in Rosenwald 405. Our special guest Craig Kallendorf (Texas A&M University) will be presenting on  “Virgil and the Censors: Printing across the Confessional Divide”.  There will be no pre-circulated materials and as always refreshments will be served.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
We hope to see many of you at the event!
All the best,
Filippo and John-Paul

David Lantigua (Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame) – “Early Modern Catholic Social Thought and World Order”

Dear all,
We’re happy to announce that this Thursday (April 5), the EMMW workshop is cosponsoring with the Lumen Christi Institute a lecture by David Lantigua (Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame), entitled “Early Modern Catholic Social Thought and World Order.” You can more information about the event on their website here:
We hope to see many of you at the event.
All the best,
JohnPaul and Filippo

April 2: Roundtable – Genre and Travel in the Early Modern Middle East

Dear all,
Please join us next Monday (April 2) from 5-6:30 p.m. in Rosenwald 405 for a round-table on “Genre and Travel in the Early Modern Middle East.”
Orit Bashkin (Professor of Modern Middle East History at the University of Chicago) and Basil Salem (Teaching Fellow in the Social Sciences Division) will be presenting. Mohamad Ballan (PhD Student – History, University of Chicago) will be moderating. There will be no pre-circulated materials. As always, refreshments will be served.
Feel free to contact me or Filippo if you have any questions or concerns and check our website ( for information and upcoming events).
We hope to see many of you at the event!
John-Paul and Filippo

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