Category: Uncategorized (Page 3 of 6)

Protected: May 3: David Wootton, “Voltaire’s Philosophical Letters: a Classic Text?”

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Protected: Supplemental Materials for April 15: Lucia Delaini, “The tool of tools: mnemonics, cognition and the body in 16th century Italy”

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Protected: April 1: Professor Daniel Hershenzon, “Contentious Objects: Christian Images in the Early Modern Maghrib”

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Protected: March 18: John-Paul Heil, Virtue and Vice in the Political World of Renaissance Naples

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Protected: February 4: Professor Brian Sandberg, “‘The Clamors of His Afflicted People’: Sensory Experiences of the City Under Siege during the French Wars of Religion”

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Protected: January 21: Prof. Cornell Fleischer, “The Mystic Lettrist ‘Abd al-rahman al Bistami (1380-1454) and the Origins of Ottoman Historical Consciousness”

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Protected: January 7: Prof. Nikolay Antov, “The Abdals of Rum and the Development of Competing Muslim Confessional Identities in the Early Modern Eastern Balkans”

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Protected: December 10: Max Maller, Petrarch’s Poetics of Error: Redemption and Scribal Authority in the Making of MS Vat. Lat. 3195

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Protected: November 12, John Padgett, “Political Discussion and Debate in Narrative Time: The Florentine Consulte e Pratiche, 1376-1378”

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Protected: October 29: Tali Winkler, “The Role of Early Modern German Book Fairs in Jewish Economic, Cultural, and Intellectual Life”

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