Meetings and Presenters
Spring 2024
*All meetings will be held from 12:00pm-2:00pm in SSRB 201 (Tea Room) unless otherwise noted
March 25
“Protestant division and the politics of overseas missions in the English overseas colonies c. 1660-1714”
Gabriel Glickman
Cambridge University, Faculty of History
April 8
“What’s in a Pattern: Marronage and Atlantic Slave War in the Age of Revolutions”
Marcus Nevius
University of Missouri, Department of History
April 22
“Nineteenth Century Afro-Cuban Returnees to the Bight of Benin”
Elena Schneider
University of California Berkeley, Department of History
April 29
“Global Smuggling and the Dark Networks of Empire: The Isle of Man’s Emergence as a Commercial Entrepot”
David Chan Smith
Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of History
May 6
“Fiscal-Political Conflict in Late Ming China and Early Stuart England”
Gabriel Groz
University of Chicago, Department of History
May 13
Book Talk: Volcanic: Vesuvius in the Age of Revolutions
John Brewer
Co-sponsored by CHSS and CEGU
(Time and location TBA)
May 20
“Humanism and Empire: The Anti-Colonial Critique of ‘the Human’”
Filipe Carreira da Silva
Cambridge University, Department of Sociology