
The Music, Language, and Culture Workshop

Final EthNoise! of the Quarter This Thursday, December 6


Dear all,

I’m writing to remind you that EthNoise! will meetĀ thisĀ Thursday, December 6, in Rosenwald 301 from 5-6:20 pm. This will be the last EthNoise! of the quarter, so it’s fitting that our presenter will be Julia Escribano, whom we’ve been privileged to have a visiting student from Spain this quarter. Julia will be presenting an overview of her dissertation research on the topic “Traditional religious music during the Holy Week of southwest Soria: Local memory, processes of change, repertories, and current meanings.” Julia’s project is really an exciting one in which she blends ethnographic methods with historical research in interesting and meaningful ways. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday and to celebrating Julia’s time here in Chicago and a successful quarter of workshops! As always, feel free to reach out before then if you have any questions.
Jon Bullock

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