Dear all,
I’m writing to remind you that the final EthNoise! workshop of the quarter will meet today in Rosenwald 301 beginning at 4:30 pm (not 5 pm). From 4:30 to 5:15, PhD student David Wilson will be presenting his conference paper for the upcoming meeting of the Midwest SEM chapter meeting (MIDSEM). The paper is called, “Sunday in the Park with Zhou: Places, Spaces, and Positions in Beijing’s Jingshan Park.”
From 5:15 to 6:35 pm, we’ll hear from Joe Maurer, PhD candidate in music. Joe will be sharing a chapter of his dissertation, a draft of which has been circulated via email. I’ve also included a brief note from Joe below.
If you’re only able to attend EthNoise! for one of the presentations, please feel free to do so, as we’ll try to stick to the above timetable as closely as possible. As usual, there will be plenty of snacks and drinks to help fuel the conversation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions before then, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Jon Bullock
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Dear EthNoise!,
I’m looking forward to presenting part of my dissertation to you. I’d like you to read as much as you can of the ~20 pp attached. This is drawn from my 3rd chapter. In the spirit of the workshop setting, this is very much a work in progress. Right now, it’s a bit of a “here’s some stuff” piece of writing—I need to do more work to process my fieldwork data, make connections between sections, connect with existing literature, and drive home my arguments. Nonetheless, I think there’s enough material here for you to get a sense of this particular field site. My hope is that you can read this, then on Thursday I can briefly sketch out some of the missing pieces. There are several arguments that I’m thinking about with this field site, and I’d be particularly interested in (a) which arguments you find most interesting and perhaps most useful to people working outside this topic area, (b) how much you think can fit in one chapter, (c) what connections you think I might make to other work beyond the obvious mariachi/music education nexus.