Follow along with our class, which is preparing for tomorrow’s colloquium on Triple Translation and Decolonization by reading the following:

Selections from New and Selected Poems of Cecilia Vicuñatranslated by Rosa Alcalà (Canvas Files tab): Word and Thread (originally an artist’s book*) and Spit Temple (transcribed performances)

* note: a facsimile of the original artist’s book is here; have a look: (Links to an external site.) 

& you can listen to a partial performance of this text here:

Cecilia Vicuña on Cross Cultural Poetics, “Word in Words”: (Links to an external site.)

Rosa Alcalà on Her Other Tongue, English: (Links to an external site.)

Walther Maradiegue, “Runapa Ñawin: Quechua Poetry for the Present,” (Links to an external site.)

and “Interview with Edwin Lucero Rinza,” (Links to an external site.)

with four poems by Lucero Rinza translated into English: (Links to an external site.)

And as a bonus, check out Edgar Garcia’s new book: Signs of the Americas at

Recommended: Alberto Menarini, “L’Italo-Americano degli Stati Uniti,” Lingua nostra 1 (1939); Nancy Huston, “The Mask and the Pen,” and Ilan Stavans, “My Love Affair with Spanglish,” both in Isabelle de Courtivron, ed., Lives in Translation: Bilingual Writers on Identity and Creativity