The Fehon Lab
Cellular organization and function of the Hippo Pathway in tissue growth controlCurrent lab members
Rick Fehon
Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
Postdoctoral, Developmental Genetics, Yale University
PhD, Developmental Biology, University of Washington
BS, Zoology, Duke University
Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program
Committee on Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology
Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology
Developmental Biology Training Program
Molecular and Cellular Biology Training Program
Genetic Mechanisms and Evolution Training Program
Hitoshi Matakatsu
Staff Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
Postdoctoral, U. Wisconsin, Madison
PhD, Osaka Prefecture University
KathyAnn Lee
Graduate Student, Committee on Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology
B.S, Biology, Ithaca College (2015)
Research Assistant, Marlow Lab, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (2016-2021)
Nicki Nouri
Research Technician
B.S, Biology, University of Illinois at Chicago (2021)
Niranjan Joshi
Undergraduate researcher
B.S, Biology (Developmental Biology), B.A. Philosophy, University of Chicago (Expected June 2024)
Victoria Sullivan
Undergraduate researcher
B.S, Biology University of Chicago (Expected June 2026)
Former lab members
Sushmita Maitra
Senior Research Scientist, Magnitude Biosciences, Ltd.
Piotr Fabrowski
Research Scientist, DKFZ German Cancer Research Center
Jakub Nowak
Application Specialist, NanoTemper Technologies
Kenzi Oshima
Assistant Professor, Nagoya University
Julian Boggiano
Medical Science Liaison, Sanofi
Kasia Lepeta
Postdoctoral Fellow, Affolter Lab, Biozentrum, Basel
Amanda Neisch
Research Assistant Professor, U. Minnesota
Ting Su
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pan lab, UT Southwestern
William Yee
Associate Director, Corporate Strategy and Business Operations, AbbVie
Annie Ullyot
Arden Feil
Educator, DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Labs