Genomics Facility

In-House RNA Library Prep


The University of Chicago offers multiple methods for NGS library preparation of RNA samples from any species. We tailor our library preparation and sequencing to your specific needs to
achieve the highest quality data possible!



• Oligo-dT mRNA directional (~25-30M clusters/sample)
• Oligo-dT mRNA directional (~50-60M clusters/sample)
• Ribo-zero depletion (~50-60M clusters/sample)


All RNA libraries prepared in house will be sequenced using the NovaSeqX unless otherwise requested.



We QC all incoming RNA samples prior to library prep. Below are our sample quality guidelines for RNA samples:



• Standard input library prep: concentrations between 20 – 125 ng/μl

• Low input library prep: concentrations between 1 – 10 ng/μl

• Minimum volume: 13 μl

• RIN score: 7 – 10 (depending on the type of library preparation)


We can work with samples outside of these recommended ranges. If you have any questions, please contact us at for a consultation!


Our facility needs two things in order to start work on your order:

1)  A completed submission form: LINK TO FORM


2)  The samples themselves:

    • Please submit samples in 1.5 μl tubes

      • For samples that are being shipped to us, please notify us ahead of time and safely secure your RNA samples in a box with dry ice.

      • Label tubes with simple, unique names (i.e. ‘AB-1’)

    • Place in submission freezer outside room 1230C on the first floor of the Knapp

      Center for Biological Discovery (KCBD).


3) If desired, include any other pertinent information regarding the samples.





Library type and sequencing pricing is selected prior to submitting RNA samples, unless otherwise stated with a consultation with Dr. Faber to determine what selection would be best based on QC analysis results. We calculate costs based on the total number of necessary QC assays, dilutions, and resubmitted samples. The below example prices are for samples requiring one round of RNA QC, and include subsequent library prep, library QC, and sequencing costs at the specified number of reads:


• NovaSeqX Oligo-dT (~25-30M clusters/sample) = $175/sample
• NovaSeqX Oligo-dT (~50-60M clusters/sample) = $275/sample
• NovaSeqX RiboZero (~25-30M clusters/sample) = $275/sample
• NovaSeqX RiboZero (~50-60M clusters/sample) = $375/sample


We are proud of our competitive rates and high quality of work compared to the industry standard!

Please refer to our pricing page for a detailed list of fees.

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