Whole-Genome Sequencing
The University of Chicago Genomics core offers whole genome DNA QC and library prep. Simply supply us with genomic DNA extracted from your organism and we will perform quality control, prepare the library, and sequence on one of our short-read instruments.
We will consider performing extractions on raw biological material on a case-by-case basis. This typically requires creating an experimental plan with the core director and due to the extra steps and reagents necessary we typically only accept such requests for larger projects.
Submitting for whole genome sequencing requires the following:
- A submission form.
- The samples themselves:
- We recommend submitting at least 100ng of genomic DNA.
- Samples should be delivered in 1.5 ml tubes. Samples should be left in the submission freezer outside room 1230C on the first floor of the Knapp Center for Biological Discovery (KCBD). Baggies and paper submission forms are available by the freezer. Projects involving large numbers of samples can be submitted in microfuge tube storage boxes.
Please reach out at CONSULT EMAIL for additional questions or if you have a project involving raw biological materials.