All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.
September 29: Paskalina Bourbon (UChicago), “Justification Reconsidered”
October 13: Greg Brown (UChicago), “Ontology Made Difficult”
October 27: Irad Kimhi (UChicago), “Of What Must One Remain Silent?”
November 3*: Jed Lewinsohn (University of Pittsburgh), “The ‘Natural Unintelligibility’ of Normative Powers”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop. The paper will be distributed, and is to be read in advance of the meeting.)
November 10: Alix Cohen (University of Notre Dame), “In Defense of Epistemic Autonomy: A Kantian Proposal”
November 17: Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago), “The Emotional Labor of Enlightenment”