
  • Gerrick ER, Zlitni S, West PT, Carter MM, Mechler CM, Olm MR, Caffrey EB, Li JA, Higginbottom SK, Severyn CJ, Kracke F, Spormann AM, Sonnenburg JL, Bhatt AS, Howitt MR. Metabolic diversity in commensal protists regulates intestinal immunity and trans-kingdom competition. Cell. 2024;187:62–78.e20. Link to publication.
  • Gerrick ER, DeSchepper LB, Mechler CM, Joubert LM, Dunker F, Colston TJ, Howitt MR. Commensal protists in reptiles display flexible host range and adaptation to ectothermic hosts. mBio. 2023; e02273-23. Link to publication.