Tuesday, January 24, 12:00-1:15pm (Swift 208)
Robert A. Cathey, “Where We Live, What We Believe: Thinking Contextually with Ateek, Raheb, and Gregerman about Israel / Palestine.”
Abstract: This paper compares the work of two Palestinian Christian theologians, Naim Ateek and Mitri Raheb. Naim Ateek is an Anglican Palestinian with Israeli citizenship in Jerusalem who calls his project ‘Palestinian liberation theology’ and Mitri Raheb is Lutheran Palestinian pastor in Bethlehem who calls his project a contextual theology for Palestinians. The paper then discusses the critique of Ateek and Raheb by Adam Gregerman, an American scholar of Jewish classical texts, who sees in Ateek and Raheb’s theologies new forms of ‘Christian anti-Judaism.’
Please email contact-global-christianities@uchicago.edu for a copy of the paper, which should be read in advance.
Lunch will be provided.