- Ink anterior surface blue, and posterior black.
- Open through the cervical os and extend along the lateral walls of cervix and corpus.
- Carefully inspect the endometrium for masses, measure size, and describe appearance.
- Inspect the lower uterine segment, cervix, and adnexa (if present) for lesions.
- Make 1 cm thick transverse sections through the entire endomyometrium.
- Measure depth of invasion, if present, and freeze this section (may have to bisect and use 2 blocks).
- If no gross tumor is identified, palpate the myometrium to ensure a thickened/abnormal wall is not present (endophytic tumors may not be grossly visible, but are noticeable upon palpation). If present, freeze a representative section.
- If no tumor is grossly visible or palpable, discuss findings with surgeon.
- When reporting results to surgeon, be sure to include size, depth of invasion (<50% or >50%), tumor type, and grade (if applicable), as these criteria are necessary to dictate further management.