Omentum – GYN

Auto text: “Insert Omentum”


  1. The majority of these specimens will be part of a cancer-staging surgery.
  2. These specimens can be grossed fresh. If the remainder of the case needs to be fixed, then weigh omentum and submerge in formalin.


  1. Weigh and measure.
  2. Describe surface texture, color, and consistency.
  3. Serially section the specimen at 0.5 cm intervals and look for white, gray, tan nodules.
  4. If tumor nodules ARE identified, measure the nodules (report the range) and submit a representative section in one cassette.
  5. If tumor nodules are NOT identified AND the omentum is being removed as part of a tumor staging procedure: 
    1. Ovary/fallopian tube primary – submit 10 cassettes in total.
    2. Endometrial primary – submit 4 cassettes in total.

Updated 1-8-19 NAC.

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