Sinus Contents

Auto text: “Insert Sinus Contents”


For Chronic Sinusitis, Deviated Septum, etc

  • Sinus contents often come in mesh bags with plastic toppers.
  • Remove all contents from the bag and measure the tissue aggregate in 3D.
  • Submit 3 representative cassettes, making sure to preferentially submit mucoid material and tan tissue fragments (rather than blood clots).
  • If the entire specimen can be submitted in 3 or less cassettes, please do so.

For known or suspected Sinonasal (Inverted / Schneiderian) Papillomas

  • Submit the ENTIRE specimen in order to evaluate for carcinoma.

For known or suspected Invasive Fungal Sinusitis

  • These cases mostly occur in immunocompromised patients (hematologic malignancies, diabetes) and should always be RUSHED using the Beaker case flag.
  • Submit the ENTIRE specimen. HCl is appropriate if bony tissues require decal.
  • GMS should be ordered at the time of grossing on all cassettes (check with attending if unsure).
  • If the specimen is sent for frozen section:
    • Fungi are often better identified on Diff-Quick stain.
    • In addition to your routine H&E sections, cut an additional section for Diff-Quick:
      • DO NOT place the slide in the small jar of alcoholic formalin! Let the slide AIR DRY after cutting the section.
      • Then stain the slide according to the DQ Protocol posted in the lab. (DQ stains are kept near the lymphoma work-up supplies).
      • After staining – let the slide AIR DRY prior to cover-slipping.
    • Please still order GMS at the time of grossing on all cassettes (check with attending if unsure).
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