This is the website for Don’s statistical methodological work, which contains PDF presentation files, syntax examples, and PDFs of publications in a number of areas:
- Models for longitudinal data, including categorical outcomes
- Mixed effects location scale models, including the MixRegLS & MixWILD programs
- Supermix program
Recent publications
- Hedeker, D., Brooks, J., Diviak, K., Jao, N., & Mermelstein, R.J. (2024). Pleasure and satisfaction as predictors of future cigarette and e-cigarette use: A novel two-stage modeling approach. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 26, 1472–1479. pdf file
- Kypriotakis, G., Bernstein, S.L., Bold, K.W., Dziura, J.D., Hedeker, D., Mermelstein, R.J., & Weinberger, A.H. (2024). An Introduction and Practical Guide to Strategies for Analyzing Longitudinal Data in Clinical Trials of Smoking Cessation Treatment: Beyond Dichotomous Point-Prevalence Outcomes, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 26, 796–805. pdf file
- Hedeker, D., Pereira, S., Garbeloto, F., Barreira, T. V., Garganta, R., Farias, C., Tani, G., Chaput, J.-P., Stodden, D. F., Maia, J., & Katzmarzyk, P. T. (2024). Statistical analysis of
the longitudinal fundamental movement skills data in the REACT project using the multilevel ordinal logistic model. American Journal of Human Biology, e24015. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.24015 pdf file - Hedeker, D., Siddique, J., Zhang, X., & Spring, B. (2024). Multivariate and shared parameter mixed-effects models for intensive longitudinal data. In D.E.K. Martin, A.S.R. Srinivasa Rao, & C.R. Rao (Eds.), Handbook of Statistics Volume 50: Modeling and Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Elsevier. pdf file
- Siddique, J., Daniels, M., Inan, G., Battalio, S., Spring, B., & Hedeker, D. (2023). Joint modeling the frequency and duration of accelerometer-measured physical activity from a lifestyle intervention trial. Statistics in Medicine, 42:, 5100–5112. pdf file supporting information
- Zhang, X. & Hedeker, D. (2023). Detecting influential subjects in intensive longitudinal data using mixed-effects location scale models. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23:237. pdf file
- Yaremych, H.E, Preacher, K.J., & Hedeker, D. (2023). Centering categorical predictors in multilevel models: Best practices and interpretation. Psychological Methods, 28(3):613–630. pdf file
- Gill, N. & Hedeker D. (2023). Fast estimation of mixed-effects location-scale regression models. Statistics in Medicine, 42:1430-1444. pdf file