- “National Models and Industrial Change: Norwegian and German Examples” talk delivered at the Transatlantic Forum at the University of Chicago, 24-25 October 2016, Session 3. My contribution begins @ 46 minutes. (Here is a link to the powerpoint slides for the talk.)
- “Marx’s Capital. Thoughts on its continuing relevance and the theoretical consequences of its limitations” Talk to Midwest Faculty Seminar, October 2016, University of Chicago. (Here is a link to the powerpoint slides)
- Panel commentary: The Financialization of Economic Life delivered at the Conference “Global Crisis: Rethinking Economy and Society” at the University of Chicago, December 4, 2010. My presentation begins at about 1hr 18 minutes in.
- “Changing MNC strategies in China and their consequences for home country production and industrial policy” presentation at the “Reinventing the Industrial Heartland: Supply-Chain Sustainability and the New Automotive Industry.” American Council on Germany and the LaFollette School of Public Policy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 6, 2011 My presentation begins at about 16 minutes in