Coping with COVID-19


Coping with Covid-19 consisted of two parts: the survey and interview portions

A total of 449 individuals, ages 18-72, completed the “Coping with COVID” survey. The survey was posted to SurveyMonkey and students in the undergraduate class CHDV 20100 “Human Development Research Designs” were asked to share the link with members of their network, many of whom they reached out to over social media.

Over the span of two weeks in May 2020, each student enrolled in CHDV 20100 Human Development Research Designs individually designed and conducted a 15or 20minute openended interview investigating variations among people in how they perceive and cope with impacts of the COVID19 pandemic in their daily lives. All interviews were conducted with individuals outside of the class, and the students prepared consent forms and obtained permission for using audiorecording to record the interview data. Of the total 68 interviews collected, 44 interviews had recruited respondents within the age bracket of 1825, which subsequently formed the subpopulation of interest for the qualitative section of the Coping with COVID19 study. Over the course of four months from June to September, two student researchers analyzed the 44 transcripts to generate findings on how youth experience and interpret possible changes in interpersonal relationships or in the relationships between individuals and institutions during the evolving public health crisis and economic crisis.