Setting Goals

What is a Functional Goal?

A functional goal is a goal that you aim to work towards during your treatment for chronic pain. You and your provider can choose a pain management plan to help you achieve that goal. Some examples of functional goals are to walk without a walker, sleep more comfortably, and play with your grandchildren.


Why Would I Set Functional Goals?

Functional goals allow you and your provider to assess the progress of your treatment. Pain is hard to measure. Functional goals can help your doctor judge whether you the treatments are working for you.


Next Step

Once you and your provider have decided your functional goals, you can have a conversation about what pain management methods you can try. Here is a Conversation Tool to help you have a better discussion with your doctor. This Conversation Tool lists many different methods to address pain. You and your doctor might have different ideas about how to deal with your pain, so it is very important that you make this decision together.


Watch the video below to learn more about setting pain goals!

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