The Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop is excited to share our winter schedule with you. Please notice that the IAW is now meeting on Wednesdays, from 4:30 – 6:00 PM.
Meetings will be held in Haskell 315 unless otherwise noted below. Refreshments will be served. For copies of the papers, or should you need accomodations, please email the coordinators Kelsey Rooney ( or Suay Erkusoz (
IAW Winter Quarter Schedule:
Tuesday, January 14, 3:30 – 5:30 PM
Co-hosted by the Ancient Societies Workshop
Kathryn Morgan (Postdoctoral Fellow, Oriental Institute)
Title: TBA
Room: Classics 21
Wednesday, February 12
Dominik Hagmann, (University Assistant/Lecturer, University of Vienna)
“Studying the Roman Rural Landscape at Northern Noricum: Materials, Methods, and Challenges.”
Wednesday February 26
Kirsten Neumann (Curator and Research Associate, Oriental Institute Museum)
“From Raw to Ritualized: Following the Trail of Incense of the Assyrian Temple.”
Wednesday, March 4
Teagan Wolter (PhD Student, Near Eastern Art and Archaeology, University of Chicago)
“Preliminary Thoughts on Khanates, Qalas, and Urban Forms in Central Asia and their Possible Application to the BMAC.”
Wednesday, March 11
Guest Lecture: Mark Hauser (Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University)
“Mapping Water: Archaeology, Colonial Landscapes and Water Insecurity.”