Please join us at Islamic Studies Workshop next Thursday, January 17th from 2-3:30 in Swift 400 for discussion with Rosabel Pauline Ansari (Georgetown) on her paper titled:
Al-Farābī and the Ontology Within Language
Description: This workshop will focus on a draft section of one of my dissertation chapters. My dissertation is on the genesis of tashkīk al-wujūd (“the ambiguity of being”) in the philosophy of Al-Farābī. The section I am sharing is at the beginning of chapter two where I explore how Al-Farābī theorises the relationship between language and ontology. Al-Farābī believes that language must reflect its meanings and references, and if this is the case we can make certain metaphysical deductions from the structure of language.
Please e-mail the coordinators ( or to receive a copy of the pre-circulated paper, which can be read with a focus on pages 15-30. Light refreshments will be available- we look forward to seeing you there!
Allison & Zahra
ISW co-coordinators 2018-19