Dear Colleagues,
The Islamic Studies Workshop welcomes paper proposals for the 2019-20 academic year. Presentations can include portions of dissertation chapters or proposals, job talks, master’s theses, conference presentations, or other research, and we especially welcome work-in-progress. In the past, we have hosted scholars from Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, History of Science, History of Christianity and Judaism, South Asian studies, Near Eastern studies and Political Science. We welcome scholars from these disciplines and others whose work engages with the study of Islam as a central object of inquiry.
Presenters circulate a piece of writing or resources for discussion a week in advance of the workshop. A respondent begins the discussion with a summary of the piece and a few opening questions. If you are interested in serving as a respondent this year, please email the coordinators.
We will meet on alternate Thursdays from 2:00-3:20pm (Swift 400), beginning in the Fall quarter. Please submit a brief proposal to Sam Pellegrino ( and Allison Kanner ( by Friday, September 20 if you would like to present.
We will also be placing papers for the upcoming winter and spring quarters, so please indicate when you submit in which quarter you would like to present.
Allison Kanner, Islamic Studies Workshop Coordinator
Sam Pellegrino, Islamic Studies Workshop Assistant Coordinator