Thursday 1/14: Aamir Bashir, “Roots of Deobandi Sufism: Shah Wali Allah’s (d. 1762) Influence on Early Deobandi Elders”

Join the Islamic Studies Workshop for our first session of the winter quarter: Aamir Bashir (NELC): “Roots of Deobandi Sufism: Shah Wali Allah’s (d. 1762) Influence on Early Deobandi Elders” Thursday, January 14th, 12:00pm-1:30pm Swift Hall room 106 A vegetarian lunch will be provided. Abstract: “This paper seeks to identify the key persons and ideas that […]

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Winter 2016 at the Islamic Studies Workshop

Dear colleagues, Welcome back! We have an exciting quarter of presentations and events at the Islamic Studies Workshop. Sessions will take place on alternate Thursdays from 12:00pm-1:30pm in Swift Hall 106 (note the change in location from last quarter) unless otherwise indicated. If any students or faculty are interested in formally responding to any of these presentations, please […]

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Thursday 12/3: Antonio Musto, “Beyond Mere Asceticism: The zuhd of Wakīʿ b. al-Jarrāḥ (d. 196/811)”

Please join the Islamic Studies Workshop for our last session of the fall term this Thursday! Antonio Musto “Beyond Mere Asceticism: The zuhd of Wakīʿ b. al-Jarrāḥ (d. 196/811)” Thursday, Dec. 3rd, 12:00pm Swift Hall room 208 Abstract: In secondary scholarship, the term zuhd is rendered as asceticism or renunciation, and its origins are said be […]

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Friday 11/13: Sarah Waheed (Davidson College), “Ethics and Censorship: Angare and the Politics of Indo-Muslim Respectability in Late Colonial India”

Please join the Islamic Studies Workshop for a special session this Friday: Sarah Waheed, Davidson College “Ethics and Censorship: Angare and the Politics of Indo-Muslim Respectability inLate Colonial India” Friday, Nov. 13th, 3:30pm Swift Hall room 106 There will be a dinner at the Nile restaurant after the talk at 6:30pm with Prof. Waheed for interested […]

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Studying Religion in Iran: Between University and Seminary

Co-sponsored with the Craft of Teaching program at the Divinity School!   Studying Religion in Iran: Between University and Seminary Thursday, November 12, 12:00-2:00, Swift Hall Common Room Iran is well-known for its centuries-old centers of Islamic scholarship where students from all over the world learn jurisprudence, sciences of hadith transmission, Qur’anic exegesis, theology, and philosophy. It […]

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Pascal Held (NELC), “ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī’s Theory on the Origin of the Term ‘ṣūfī’”

The Islamic Studies Workshop presents: Pascal Held (NELC), “ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī’s Theory on the Origin of the Term ‘ṣūfī’” Thursday, November 5th, 12:00pm-1:30pm Swift Hall room 208 Abstract:  This presentation aims to examine the interpretation of the origin of the word ‘ṣūfī’ by the well-known ḥanbalī mystic ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī (d. 1166), as set out in his […]

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Call for Papers

Dear colleagues, The CAS Islamic Studies Workshop is once again up and running for the 2015-2016 academic year, and we invite all interested faculty and graduate students to present.  Presentations can include portions of dissertation chapters or proposals, job talks, master’s theses, conference presentations, or other research.  We aim for half of all our workshop presenters to be […]

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October 8th – Michael Sells

For our first meeting of the new academic year, Professor Michael Sells (John Henry Barrows Professor of Islamic History and Literature in the Divinity School and the department of Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago) will host a discussion on the PhD program in Islamic Studies at the Divinity School for students interested in […]

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