Justin Robert Niermeier-Dohoney

University of Chicago
History Department
Morris Fishbein Center for the
History of Science and Medicine
Social Sciences Building, Room 205
1126 E. 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637


University of Chicago

Ph.D. in History of Science (expected September 2018)
Admitted to candidacy February 2016
Master of Arts in Social Sciences (June 2013)

Dissertation: “Information Vegetable, Animal, and Mineral: Immanent Vitalism and Alchemical Cornucopianism in Early Modern English and Colonial Projects, c. 1620-1700”

Committee: Adrian Johns (chair), Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Robert J. Richards

Clemson University

Master of Arts in History (August 2011)

Thesis: “‘In So Many Ways Do the Planets Bear Witness’: The Impact of Copernicanism on Judicial Astrology at the English Court, 1543-1660”

Committee: Pamela Mack (chair), Alan Grubb, Megan Taylor-Shockley, Caroline Dunn

Indiana University, Bloomington

Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature (May 2004)
Minors in History and Philosophy of Science and Medieval Studies


Research and Teaching Interests

History of early modern science; natural history and environmental history in the British Atlantic world; vitalist alchemy (alchemy as a “life science”); alchemical cornucopianism and the early modern political economy; early modern matter theory; astrology; astro-meteorology and early modern notions of climate; pre-Linnaean taxonomy; history and philosophy of biology; acclimatization projects; bioprospecting; utopian studies; the influence of science on early modern witchcraft; cabinets of curiosities and the history of collecting; science and religion; science and empire; esotericism, natural magic, and the history of experimentalism; history of skepticism, pantheism, deism, and atheism; science and aesthetics; science and speculative fiction; Francis Bacon; Robert Boyle; the Hartlib Circle, the Invisible College, and the Royal Society; philosophies of human nature; climate change and the Anthropocene in historical context; the environmental humanities; the discovery of “deep time;” Deep History; contemporary climate change policy; public science policy in global historical context


Comprehensive Exam Fields

History and Historiography of Early Modern Science (Adrian Johns)
Early Modern Britain, the Atlantic World, and Environmental History (Fredrik Albritton Jonsson)
History and Philosophy of Natural History (Robert J. Richards)
(Passed December 2014)


Teaching Experience


Indiana University, Southeast; Honors Program

Utopia, Dystopia, and Apocalypse: Imagining Futures in Western Science, Religion, and Culture

Where Is Everybody? The Extraterrestrial Life Debate in History and Science, Antiquity to SETI

University of Chicago

Natural History and Empire, c. 1500-1800 (forthcoming) (Von Holst Prize Lectureship)

Francis Bacon’s Science and the Uses of Nature

Teaching Assistantships

University of Chicago

Science, Culture, and Society in Western Civilization, III: Modern Physical and Biological Science (James Evans)

Science, Culture, and Society in Western Civilization, II: Early Modern Science (Adrian Johns)
Science, Culture, and Society in Western Civilization, I: Ancient Science (Robert J. Richards)

Clemson University

The Kennedy Assassination and Watergate (Richard Saunders)

The Historians’ Craft (Elizabeth Carney, Rachel Moore)
The West and the World, Part II: 1492-Present (Steven Marks)

The West and the World, Part I: Prehistory-ca. 1700 (Steven Marks)


Fellowships, Assistantships, and Awards

Fellowships and Awards

University of Chicago

T. Bentley Duncan Dissertation-Year Write-Up Fellowship

Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institute, Scholar-in-Residence Fellowship (Declined)

Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine, Full-Time Graduate Fellowship

Nicholson Center for British Studies Graduate Travel Fellowship
Arnaldo Momigliano Dissertation Research Travel Fellowship
Division of Social Sciences Dissertation Research Travel Fellowship

David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, Education and Interpretation Fellowship  

Division of Social Sciences, History Department Full-Time Graduate Fellowship

Clemson University

Ernest McPherson Lander Award in the School of Art, Architecture, and Humanities for Outstanding Graduate Work in the Department of History

Schools of Art, Architecture, and Humanities; History Department Full-Time Graduate Fellowship

Research Assistantships

Research Assistant to Dr. Alison Winter, University of Chicago

Research Assistant to Dean John Boyer, University of Chicago


Service and Related Student Activities

University of Chicago

Certificate in University Teaching, History Department Pedagogy Workshop Series, Chicago Teaching Center
Co-coordinator of the Early Modern Workshop

Discussant and Commentator, History of the Human Sciences Workshop
Discussant and Commentator, History and Philosophy of Science Workshop
Discussant and Commentator, Early Modern Workshop

Discussant and Commentator, African Studies Workshop      

Clemson University

President of the History Graduate Student Association

Senator, Dean’s Council of Students 



Various articles for Astrology through History: Interpreting the Stars from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Present (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio/Praeger, 2018) (forthcoming), including “Agriculture and Astrology,” “Bruno, Giordano,” “Centiloquium,” “Jung, Carl,” “Paracelsus,” “Ptolemy,” and “Renaissance and Reformation Astrology.”

“Inversion, the Witch, and the Other: Conceptualizing Persecution in the Early Modern Witch-Hunts,” Tuckasegee Valley Historical Review, Vol. 16 (Spring 2010): 51-75.


Conference Presentations

“A Laboratory in the Field(s): Gabriel Plattes, Alchemy, and Agricultural Improvement, ca. 1638-1660,” (Al)chemical Laboratories: Imagining and Creating Scientific Work-Space, Eighth Annual Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Postgraduate Conference, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1 December 2017 (forthcoming)

“‘Concerning the Transmutation & Improvements of Plants’: Vitalism, Alchemy, and Cornucopianism in John Beale’s Agricultural Writings,” History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 9-12 November 2017 (forthcoming).

“A Vital Matter: Benjamin Worsley, the Sal Nitrum School, and the Scientific Practices of the Hartlib Circle,” Midwest Junto for the History of Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 24-26 March 2017.

“The Stewardship of Dominion: Baconian Science, Cornucopian Ambitions, and the Scientific Practices of the Hartlib Circle, 1626-1660,” Religion and Conflict Graduate Student History Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 17-19 February 2017.

“Information Vegetable, Animal, and Mineral: Immanent Vitalism and Alchemical Cornucopianism in Hartlib Circle Projects, 1630-1665,” Early Modern Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 30 November, 2015.

“Baconian Science, Cornucopian Ambitions, and Utopian Dreams: The Dominion and Stewardship Theses Reconsidered,” Religious Ideas and Scientific Thought Graduate Student History Conference, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 26 September 2015.

“The Hermaphroditical Salt: Immanent Vitalism, Alchemical Cornucopianism, and Hartlib Circle Saltpeter Projects,” History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 22 May 2015.

“Predicting the Unpredictable: Astrological Reform, Meteorology, and the Anglo-American Almanac, ca. 1650-1750,” Atlantic Worlds, ca. 1600-1800 Seminar Presentation, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 23 March, 2013.

“Representations of the Quasi-Mythical: Problems of Naturalism, Observation, and Credibility in Early Modern Scientific Images,” Science and Aesthetics, 18th-21st Centuries Seminar Presentation, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 22 March 2012.

“Patronage and Practicality: Copernicanism and Astrology in Sixteenth-Century England,” Chapter 3 of Master’s Thesis, Ernest McPherson Lander Award Seminar Presentation, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, 13 April 2011.

“Religious Syncretism and Social Reform in the Cosmologies of Giordano Bruno and Domenico Scandella,” Sixth Annual North Carolina State Graduate Student History Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, 13 February 2010.


Related Work Experience

Google Books Project Assistant
Regenstein Library, University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)

Tutor/Curriculum Developer/Fundraiser/Project Assistant
The Black Star Project (Educational Non-Profit, Chicago, IL)

Office Assistant/Administrative Assistant
Clemson University History Department (Clemson, SC)        

Essay Grader
Measured Progress (Standardized Testing, Louisville, KY)     

Interim Teacher
Ingham Intermediate School District (Lansing, MI)

Research Editor/Video Editor/Copy Editor
Video Monitoring Services (Media Relations/Public Relations, Louisville, KY)


Professional Organizations

History of Science Society Membership


English (native)

Advanced reading knowledge of French

Working reading knowledge of Latin