Guest editor, Cityscape special issue on Moving to Opportunity, Summer 2012.
German Economic Review
Guest Editor (with Horst Entorf & Christian Traxler), German Economic Review special issue on economics of crime, November 2012.
Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Final Impacts Evaluation
Sanbonmatsu, Lisa, Jens Ludwig, Lawrence F. Katz, Lisa A. Gennetian, Greg J. Duncan, Ronald C. Kessler, Emma Adam, Thomas W. McDade, and Stacy Tessler Lindau. Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Final Impacts Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. (
Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs
Cook, Philip J., Jens Ludwig, and Justin McCray, Editors. Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Evaluating Gun Policy
Ludwig, Jens and Philip J. Cook, Editors. Evaluating Gun Policy. Washington, DC: Brookings Press., 2003.
Gun Violence: The Real Costs
Cook, Philip J. and Jens Ludwig. Gun Violence: The Real Costs. NY: Oxford University Press., 2000.
Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive Survey on Private Firearms Ownership and Use
Cook, Philip J. and Jens Ludwig. Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive Survey on Private Firearms Ownership and Use. Washington, DC: Police Foundation, 1997. (Abridged version published as a research in Brief, National Institute of Justice, 1997, NCJ 165476).
An Employer's Look at School-to-Work Investments
Bassi, Lauri J., Theresa Feeley, John Hillmeyer and Jens Ludwig. Learning and Earning: An Employer’s Look at School-to-Work Investments. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development, 1997.