Essays, Policy Briefs, and Other Publications

Essays, Policy Briefs, and Other Publications

  1. Incrementalism Beats YOLO” (2024) Vital City. (with P. Cook)
  2. Making the Invisible Epidemic Visible” (2023) Brookings Institution. (with R. Graber, S. Mullainathan, Z. Obermeyer, A.  Too, and B. Williams)
  3. Neighborhoods and Opportunity in America” (2019) Brookings Institution. (with R. Collinson)
  4. The Economic Approach to Evaluating Gun Control Policies” (2018) The Regulatory Review, November 13, 2018. (with P.J. Cook)
  5. Gun Violence in Chicago, 2016” (2017) University of Chicago Crime Lab, January 2017. (with M. Kapustin, M. Punkay, K. Smith, L. Speigel, and D. Welgus)
  6. Think Before You Act: A New Approach to Preventing Youth Violence and Dropout” (2014) Washington, DC: Hamilton Project Discussion Paper 2014-02. (with A. Shah)
  7. Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education.” (2013) Foundation for Child Development/ Society for Research on Adolescence Research Brief. (with H. Yoshikawa, C. Weiland, J. Brooks-Gun, M.R. Burchinal, and M. J. Zaslow)
  8. “Why concentrated poverty matters.” (2013) Pathways: A magazine on poverty, inequality, and social policy. Spring, 9-13. (with L. Gennetian, T. McDale, and L. Sanbonmatsu)
  9. Review of “Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect, by Robert J. Sampson.” American Journal of Sociology, 118(5): 1447-1449.
  10. “Moving to improved health in the U.S.” (2011) Public Health Today: The Magazine of the UK Faculty of Public Health. December 2011. 10. (with P.J. Cook)
  11. More prisoners versus more crime is the wrong question” (2011) Brookings Institution Policy Brief Number 185. (with P.J. Cook)
  12. Economical crime control” (2011) Abridged version published in The Criminologist, 36(6): 1-6 (with P.J. Cook)
  13. “The economists’s guide to crime busting.” (2011) Wilson Quarterly Winter. Winter. (with P.J. Cook)
  14. The Mobility Bank: Increasing Residential Mobility to Boost Economic Mobility (2010) Washington, DC: Hamilton Project Discussion Paper. (with S. Raphael)
  15. “Leave no (young) child behind: Prioritizing access in early education” (2010) Investing in Young Children: New Directions in Federal Preschool Early Childhood Policy Ed. Ron Haskins and W. Steven Barnett. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution and National Institute for Early Education Research, 49-58. (with D.A. Phillips)
  16. Improving educational outcomes for poor children.” (2009) Changing Poverty. Ed. M. Cancian and Sheldon Danziger. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. (with B. Jacob)
  17. “Success by Ten: Interviewing early, often, and effectively in the education of young children.” (2008) Paths to Prosperity. Ed. Jason Furman and Jason E. Bordoff. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 127-158. (with I. Sawhil)
  18. More COPS” (2007) Brookings Institution. Policy Brief #158. (with J.J. Donahue)
  19. The Benefits and Costs of Head Start.” (2007) Society for Research on Child Development, Social Policy Report. Volume XXI, Number 3, 2007. (with D.A. Phillips)
  20. Reducing Poverty through Pre-school Interventions” (2007) The Future of Children. 17(2): 143-160. (with G.J. Duncan and K.A. Magnuson)
  21. Culture and the Inter-generational Transmission of Poverty: The Prevention Paradox” (2006) Future of Children. 16(2): 175-196. (with S.E. Mayer)
  22. Can the Federal Government Improve Educational Research?” (2005) Brookings Papers on Education Policy. Ed. Diane Ravitch. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 47-88. (with B. Jacob)
  23. “Measuring Discrimination in Education: Are Methodologies from Labor and Housing Markets Useful?” (2005) Teacher’s College Record. (with H.J. Holzer)
  24. “The Costs of Gun Violence Against Children” (2002) The Future of Children. 12(2): 87-100. (with P.J. Cook)
  25. Profiting from Learning: Firm-level Effects of Training Investments and Market Implications” (2002) Singapore Management Review. 24(3): 61-76. (with L.J. Bassi, D.P. McMurrer, M.V. Buren)
  26. The Benefits and Costs of Residential Mobility Programs” (2002) Housing Studies. 17(1): 125-138. (with M. Johnson, H.F. Ladd)
  27. Urban Poverty and Educational OutcomesBrookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs. Ed. William Gale and Janet Rothenberg Pack. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 147-201, 2001. (with H.F. Ladd and G.J. Duncan)
  28. “Residential Relocation Policies in the United States: The Moving to Opportunity Demonstration” (1999) Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 1491: 1-20, 1999. (with H.F. Ladd)