Jeffrey W. Lockhart
Jeff Lockhart is a James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Chicago, in the Department of Sociology and the Knowledge Lab. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Michigan as well as masters degrees in both gender studies and computer science. His research examines how identities such as sex, gender, sexuality, and race are constructed and contested in scientific, technological, and political arenas. Lockhart uses a mix of computational social science and qualitative archival methods in his research.
Recent Scholarship
Name-Based Demographic Inference and the Unequal Distribution of Misrecognition
Nature Human Behavior Academics and companies increasingly draw on large datasets to understand the social world, and name-based demographic ascription tools are widespread for imputing information like gender and race that are often missing from these large datasets....
Because the Machine Can Discriminate: How Machine Learning Serves and Transforms Biological Explanations of Human Difference
Big Data & Society Research on scientific/intellectual movements, and social movements generally, tends to focus on resources and conditions outside the substance of the movements, such as funding and publication opportunities or the prestige and networks of...
Paradigms of Sex Research and Women in STEM
Gender & Society Scientists’ identities and social locations influence their work, but the content of scientific work can also influence scientists. Theory from feminist science studies, autoethnographic accounts, interviews, and experiments indicate that the...
Public Sociology
Bias and the Application Process
Inside Higher Ed, April 29, 2016
Queer Eye for the… Affirmative Consent Debate?
Girl w/ Pen (The Society Pages), August 5, 2015 reprinted in Gender and Society Blog, August 10, 2015
Gay Rights Are About More Than Marriage
Huffington Post, June 4, 2015