João Granja



1. “The Relation Between Bank Resolution and Information Environment,” Journal of Accounting Research, 51 (5): 1031-1070.”

2. “Selling Failed Banks” (with Amit Seru and Gregor Matvos), Journal of Finance, 72, no. 4 (2017): 1723-1784.

3. “Disclosure Regulation in the Commercial Banking Industry: Lessons from the National Banking Era,” Journal of Accounting Research, 56 (1): 173–216.

4. “Competition and Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from Deregulation in the Banking Industry” (with Jeffrey J. Burks, Christine Cuny, and Joseph Gerakos), Review of Accounting Studies, 23 no. 4 (2018): 1471–1511.

5. “Do Strict Regulators Increase the Transparency of Banks?” (with Anna Costello and Joseph P. Weber), Journal of Accounting Research, 57 no. 3 (2019): 603–637.

6. “Going the Extra Mile: Distant Lending and Credit Cycles” (with Christian Leuz and Raghuram Rajan), Journal of Finance, 77, no. 2 (2022): 1259-1324

7. “Did the Paycheck Protection Program Hit the Target?” (with Christos Makridis, Constantine Yannelis, and Eric Zwick), Journal of Financial Economics, 145, no. 3 (2022): 725-761

8. “Product Innovation and Credit Market Disruptions” (with Sara Moreira), Review of Financial Studies, 36 (5) (2023): 1930-1969

9. “The Death of a Regulator: Strict Supervision, Bank Lending, and Business Activity” (with Christian Leuz), Journal of Financial Economics, 158 (2024) 

10. “Current Expected Credit Losses and Consumer Loans”, (with Fabian Nagel), conditionally accepted at the Journal of Accounting and Economics, (2024)

11. “Bank Consolidation and Uniform Pricing” (with Nuno Paixao), conditionally accepted at the Journal of Financial Economics, (2024)


1. “How (in)active was bank supervision during the 2022 monetary tightening?” (with Yadav Gopalan), revise and resubmit at the Review of Financial Studies, (2024)”

2. “Book Value Risk Management of Banks: Limited Hedging, HTM Accounting, and Rising Interest Rates (2024)” (with Erica Jiang, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski, and Amit Seru)

3. “The pass-through of corporate tax cuts to consumer loans: Evidence from the TCJA” (2024) (with Fabian Nagel and Arndt Weinrich)