

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. 2022. No Blank Check: Origins and Consequences of Public Antipathy toward Presidential Power. New York: Cambridge University Press.

William G. Howell, Saul P. Jackman, and Jon C. Rogowski. 2013. The Wartime President: Executive Influence and the Nationalizing Politics of Threat. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Aaron R. Kaufman and Jon C. Rogowski. Forthcoming. “Divided Government, Strategic Substitution, and
Presidential Unilateralism.”
 American Journal of Political Science.

Aaron R. Kaufman and Jon C. Rogowski. Forthcoming. “Presidential Policymaking, 1877-2020.” Political Science Research & Methods.

Daniel J. Moskowitz, Jon C. Rogowski, and James M. Snyder, Jr. Forthcoming. “Parsing Polarization in Congress.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science.

Michael P. Olson and Jon C. Rogowski. Forthcoming. “Legislative Organization and Political Representation.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science.

Daniel J. Moskowitz and Jon C. Rogowski. 2024. “Ballot Reform, the Personal Vote, and Political Representation in the United States.” British Journal of Political Science 54(1): 22-39.

Hunter Rendleman and Jon C. Rogowski. 2024. “Americans’ Attitudes toward Federalism.” Political Behavior 46: 111-134.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2023. “Public Opinion and Presidents’ Unilateral Policy Agendas.” American Journal of Political Science 67(4): 1134-1150.

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. 2023. “Democratic Values and Support for Executive Power.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 53(2): 293-312.

Jon C. Rogowski, John Gerring, Matthew Maguire, and Lee Cojocaru. 2022. “Public Infrastructure and Economic Development: Evidence from Postal Systems.” American Journal of Political Science 66(4): 885-901.

Zoe Ang, Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski, and Arjun Vishwanath. 2022. “Partisanship, Economic Assessments, and Presidential Accountability.” American Journal of Political Science 66(2): 468-484.

Jonathan Homola, Jon C. Rogowski, Betsy Sinclair, Michelle Torres, Patrick D. Tucker, and Steven Webster. 2022. “Through the Ideology of the Beholder: How Ideology Shapes Perceptions of Partisan Groups.” Political Science Research & Methods 11(2): 275-292.

Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Jon C. Rogowski. 2022. “Under the Microscope: Gender and Accountability in the U.S. Congress.” American Political Science Review 116(2): 516-532.

Justin Pottle and Jon C. Rogowski. Forthcoming. “Political Context, White House Centralization, and the Timing of Presidential Nominations to the Federal Courts.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 52(3): 626-647.

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. 2022. “Unilateral Inaction: Congressional Gridlock, Interbranch Conflict, and Public Evaluations of Executive Power.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 47(2): 427-457.

Jon C. Rogowski and Tyler Simko. 2022. “Presidential Patronage and Executive Branch Appointments, 1925-1959.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 52(1): 38-59.

Kenneth Lowande and Jon C. Rogowski. 2021. “Executive Power in Crisis.” American Political Science Review 115(4): 1406-1423.

Jon C. Rogowski and Andrew R. Stone. 2021. “How Political Contestation Over Judicial Nominations Polarizes Americans’ Attitudes toward the Supreme Court.” British Journal of Political Science 51(3): 1251-1269.

Jaclyn Kaslovsky, Jon C. Rogowski, and Andrew R. Stone. 2021. “Descriptive Representation and Public Support for Supreme Court Nominees.” Political Science Research and Methods 9(3): 583-598.

Kenneth Lowande and Jon C. Rogowski. 2021. “Presidential Unilateral Power.” Annual Review of Political Science.

Michael P. Olson and Jon C. Rogowski. 2020. “Legislative Term Limits and Polarization.” Journal of Politics 82(2): 572-586.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2020. Introduction to Symposium on Policy Making, Accountability, and Executive Action. Presidential Studies Quarterly (guest editor) 50(1): 30-39.

Stephen Ansolabehere and Jon C. Rogowski. 2020. “Unilateral Action and Presidential Accountability.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 50(1): 129-145.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2020. “The Administrative Presidency and Public Trust in Bureaucracy.” Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy 1(1): 27-51.

Jon C. Rogowski and Andrew R. Stone. 2020. “Words Speak Louder than Actions: Public Responsiveness to Elite Communication.” Political Behavior 42(2): 327-354.

Jon C. Rogowski and Patrick D. Tucker. 2019. “Critical Events and Attitude Change: Support for Gun Control after Sandy Hook.” Political Science Research and Methods 7(4): 903-911.

Ethan Porter and Jon C. Rogowski. 2018. “Bureaucratic Responsiveness and Partisan Bias in an Election: Evidence from a Field Experiment.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 28(4): 602-617.

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. 2018. “The Public Cost of Unilateral Action.” American Journal of Political Science 62(2): 424-440.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2018. “Voter Decision-Making with Polarized Choices.” British Journal of Political Science 48(1): 1-22.

Jon C. Rogowski and Sophie Schuit. 2018. “Electoral Institutions and Democratic Legitimacy.” Public Opinion Quarterly 82(2): 343-365.

Boris Shor and Jon C. Rogowski. 2018. “Ideology and the US Congressional Vote.” Political Science Research and Methods 6: 323-341.

Robert J. McGrath, Jon C. Rogowski, and Josh M. Ryan. 2018. “Veto Override Requirements and Executive Success.” Political Science Research and Methods 6: 153-179.

Jon C. Rogowski and Patrick D. Tucker. 2018. “Moderate, Extreme, or Both? How Voters Respond to Ideologically Unpredictable Candidates.” Electoral Studies 51: 83-92.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2017. “Electoral Institutions and Legislative Particularism.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 42: 355-385.

Sophie Schuit and Jon C. Rogowski. 2017. “Race, Representation, and the Voting Rights Act.” American Journal of Political Science 61: 513-526.

Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski, Min Hee Seo, and Andrew Stone. 2017. “The Contextual Determinants of Support for Presidential Power.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 47: 448-470.

James Adams, Erik Engstrom, Danielle Joesten, Jon Rogowski, Boris Shor, and Walter Stone. 2017. “Do Moderate Voters Weigh Candidates’ Ideologies? Voters’ Decision Rules in the 2010 Congressional Elections.” Political Behavior 39: 205-227.

Benjamin T. Bowyer and Jon C. Rogowski. 2017. “Mode Matters: Evaluating Response Comparability in a Mixed-Mode Survey.” Political Science Research and Methods 5: 295-313.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2016. “Presidential Influence in an Era of Congressional Dominance.” American Political Science Review 110: 325-341.

Jon C. Rogowski and Joseph L. Sutherland. 2016. “How Ideology Fuels Affective Polarization.” Political Behavior 38: 485-508.

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. 2016. “Unilateral Powers, Public Opinion, and the Presidency.” Journal of Politics 78: 137-151.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2015. “Presidential Incentives, Bureaucratic Control, and Party Building in the Republican Era.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 45: 796-811.

Andrew Reeves and Jon Rogowski. 2015. “Public Opinion toward Presidential Power.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 45: 742-759.

Robert J. McGrath, Jon C. Rogowski, and Josh M. Ryan. 2015. “Gubernatorial Veto Powers and the Size of Legislative Coalitions.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 40: 571-598.

B. Pablo Montagnes and Jon C. Rogowski. 2015. “Testing Core Predictions of Spatial Models: The Electoral Effects of Challenger Moderation.” Political Science Research and Methods 3: 619-640.

Jon C. Rogowski and Stephanie Langella. 2015. “Primary Systems and Candidate Ideology: Evidence from Federal and State Legislative Elections.” American Politics Research 43: 846-871.

Amir Shawn Fairdosi and Jon C. Rogowski. 2015. “Candidate Race, Partisanship, and Political Participation: When Do Black Candidates Increase Black Turnout?” Political Research Quarterly 68: 337-349.

Jon C. Rogowski. 2014. “Electoral Choice, Ideological Conflict, and Political Participation.” American Journal of Political Science 58: 479-494.

William G. Howell and Jon C. Rogowski. 2013. “War, the Presidency, and Legislative Voting Behavior.” American Journal of Political Science 57: 150-166.

William G. Howell, Saul P. Jackman, and Jon C. Rogowski. 2012. “The Wartime President: Insights, Lessons, and Opportunities for Continued Investigation.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 42: 791-810.

Jon C. Rogowski and Betsy Sinclair. 2012. “Estimating the Causal Effects of Social Interaction with Endogenous Networks.” Political Analysis 20: 316-328.


Working Papers

Michael Albertus and Jon Rogowski. “Reconstruction and the State: The Political and Economic Consequences of the Freedmen’s Bureau.” Previous version here.

Jon C. Rogowski. “Civil Service Reform and Bureaucratic Appointments: Evidence from the Pendleton Act.” Previous version here.

Jeremiah Cha and Jon C. Rogowski. “The President and the Clerics: Interbranch Bargaining and Subcommittee Influence in Federal Appropriations.”

Gabe Foy-Sutherland, Daniel J. Moskowitz, and Jon C. Rogowski. “Direct Election and Senate Representation.”

Daniel J. Moskowitz and Jon C. Rogowski. “Politics and Administration: Evidence from the U.S. Patent Office, 1837-2015.”

Jon C. Rogowski. “Power and Accountability: Unilateral Action and Vote Choice in Presidential Elections.”

Jon C. Rogowski and Noah Quinn Shenker. “Executive Levers of Agency Control: Prescription and Personnel.

Dormant papers

Andrew Reeves and Jon C. Rogowski. “Political Regimes and Institutional Support: Presidential Power, Partisanship, and Democratic Values in Times of Transition.”

Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski, Min Hee Seo, and Andrew R. Stone. “By All Means: How Issue Popularity Emboldens Presidential Power.

Jon C. Rogowski. “Bargaining Commitments and Executive Reputation: Legislative Response to Unilateral Action.”

Jon C. Rogowski and Christopher Gibson. “Returns to Sender? Ballot Reform, Partisan Institutions, and the Electoral Consequences of State-Building.”