SO MANY EVENTS! April 8th, 11th and 18th!

JST_HB Workshoppers,

For the Spring quarter of 2011 we start off with a rapid fire series of three events in a row(!):

April 8th*: Dr. Ruth Davis, Cambridge University, currently at Yale, “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine: the Jewish Recordings“  @ 2pm*.

April 11th: Sam Brody, University of Chicago Divinity School PhD Candidate, on “God Against the Messiah: Martin Buber on the Kingship of God and the Ancient Israelite Anarcho-Theocracy.”

April 18th: Joseph Ballan, University of Chicago Divinity School PhD Candidate, “Is the Deux Sources Theory of Religion a Supersessionist Theology?  Vladimir Jankélévitch, Eliane Amado Lévy-Valensi and the Problem of ‘Bergson and Judaism.’”

* = Friday.  Note the time as well.

All events will take place in Swift Hall rm 403.

Come on out as support the Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible Workshop.

See you all there!