about me

I am Professor of Sociology and Faculty Affiliate in the Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture & The Committee on International Relations at the University of Chicago. I am also Chair of the  Sociology Department (Interim 2024-2025) at the University of Chicago, Book Review Co-Editor of the American Journal of Sociology, Editor of Political Power and Social Theory, and former President of the Social Science History Association among serving other roles in various professional associations.

My scholarship has won prizes from the American Sociological Association, the Eastern Sociological Society, the American Political Science Association, and the International Studies Association, among other institutions. I won the Lewis A. Coser Award for Theoretical Agenda Setting in Sociology given by the American Sociological Association in 2018.

I did postdoctoral work as an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy of International and Area Studies. I have also taught at Boston University, the University of Illinois, and have been a visiting Professor/Scholar at Harvard University, Cambridge University, the London School of Economics, Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Université Paris-Dauphine, the University of Lucerne in Switzerland, the Havens Center at the University of Wisconsin, and the Third World Studies Center, University of Philippines.