articles & book chapters

In Press/Forthcoming

Go, Julian. In Press. “Theorizing Racial Capitalism: Critique, Contingency & Context/Théoriser le capitalisme racial: Critique, contingence et contexte.” Marronages: Les Questions Raciales au Crible des Sciences Sociales

Go, Julian and George Lawson. Forthcoming. “Vision and Method in Historical Sociology.” Social Science History

Go, Julian and Anaheed Al-Hardan. In Press. “Introduction: Anticolonialism and Social Thought” in Al-Hardan and Go, eds., Anticolonialism and Social Theory

Go, Julian. Forthcoming. “Towards an Alternative Canon? Particularity and Generality across ‘Black’ and ‘Red’ Social Theory” in Eric Macé, ed., Towards Non-Hegemonic World Sociology. Rowman & Littlefield.

Go, Julian. Forthcoming. “Empire and Colonialism in the American Journal of Sociology” in A World History of Sociology, ed. by Stéphane Dufoix and Sébastien Mosbah-Natanson. Paris: La Découverte.

Go, Julian. In Press. “Exceptional Colonialisms? The US Empire in the Early 20th century.” In Mischa Honek and Mahshid Mayar, The US Empire Handbook. DeGruyter.


Go, Julian. 2024. “Perspectives sur les champs extra-nationaux.” Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 253-254 (September): 112-119.

Go, Julian. 2024. “Reverberations of Empire” Social Science History 48(1): 1-18. 

Go, Julian. 2023. “Unveiling power, or why social science’s task is explanation.” British Journal of Sociology Online first.

Go, Julian. 2023. “Theoretical Innovation and Perspectival Realism.” Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory.

Go, Julian. 2023. “Anticolonial Thought, the Sociological Imagination, and Social Science: A Reply to Critics.” British Journal of Sociology 74(3): 345-359.

Go, Julian. 2023. “Thinking Against Empire: Anticolonial Thought as Social Theory.” British Journal of Sociology 74(3): 279-93.

Go, Julian. 2023. “The Colonial Origins of Policing: The ‘Domestic Effect’ in the UK and the US.” Pp. 208-226 in Klaus Schlichte and Stephan Stetter, The Historicity of International Politics: Imperialism and the Presence of the Past. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Go, Julian. 2022. “Du Bois, Social Theory and Agency.” The Oxford Handbook of W.E.B. Dubois,  ed. by Aldon Morris, et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Go, Julian, George Lawson and Benjamin de Carvalho. 2021. “Historical Sociology in International Relations: The Challenge of the Global.” Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations, ed. by Benjamin de Carvalho, Julia Costa Lopez, Halvard Leira (London: Routledge).

Go, Julian. 2021. “Three Tensions in the Theory of Racial Capitalism.” Sociological Theory 39(1): 38-47.

Go, Julian. 2021. “From Crime Fighting to Counter Insurgency: The Transformation of London’s Special Patrol Group in the 1970s.” Small Wars & Insurgencies 33 (4-5): 654-672. 

Go, Julian. 2020. “The Imperial Origins of American Policing: Militarization and Imperial Feedback in the Early 20th Century.” American Journal of Sociology 125(5): 1-62. Co-Winner, Best Scholarly Article, American Sociological Association, Global and Transnational Section, 2021; Honorable Mention, Best Scholarly Article, American Sociological Association, Political Sociology Section, 2021

Go, Julian. 2020. “Race, Empire, and Epistemic Exclusion: Or the Structures of Sociological Thought.” Sociological Theory 38(2): 79-100

Go, Julian and George Lawson. 2020. “Response to Reviewers: Global Historical Sociology,” Part of “On Global Historical Sociology: the inaugural Fletcher prize forum.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 33(6): 914-920.

Go, Julian. 2020. “Field Theory and Global Transformations in the Long Twentieth Century” in Mathias Albert and Tobias Werron (eds.) What in the World? Understanding Global Social Change. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Go, Julian. 2020. “American Decline and Performative Militarism, or How to Do Things with War,“ in Federic Merand, ed., Imperial Decline. University of Quebec Press.

Go, Julian. 2020. “Global Change. A Field Theory Perspective on The End of Empire.” Pp. 141-159 in Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg and Stefan Bernhard (eds.) Charting Transnational Fields: Methodology for a Political Sociology of Knowledge. London: Routledge.

Go, Julian. 2020. “Empire, Democracy and Discipline: the Transimperial History of the Secret Ballot” pp. 93-111 in Jay Sexon and Kristin Hoganson, eds., Crossing Empires: Taking U.S. History into Transimperial Terrain. Duke University Press.

Go, Julian. 2020. “Political Sociology and the Postcolonial Perspective” in Joya Misra, Cedric de Leon, and Thomas Janoski (eds.) The New Handbook of Political Sociology

Go, Julian. 2019. Review of The End of the Cognitive Empire: The Coming of Age of Epistemologies of the South, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The American Journal of Sociology 125(2): 619-621.

Go, Julian and Jake Watson. 2019. “Anticolonial Nationalism:
From Imagined Communities to Colonial Conflict.” European Journal of Sociology 60(1):31-68.

Edwards, Zophia and Julian Go. 2019. “The Forces of Imperialism: Internalist and Global Explanations of the Anglo-European Empires, 1750-1960.” The Sociological Quarterly 60(4): 628-653.

Go, Julian. 2018. “Postcolonial Possibilities for the Study of Race” Sociology of Race & Ethnicity 4(4): 439.451.

Go, Julian. 2018. “Bourdieu, Argélia e a perspectiva pós-colonial / Bourdieu, Algeria and the postcolonial standpoint.” [in Portugese]. Contemporânea: Revista de Sociologia da Ufscar 8(1): 11-32.

Published in Russian as Go, J. 2019. “Pierre Bourdieu, Algeria and Postcolonial Sociology” Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies] 4: 86-98

Go, Julian. 2018. “Relational Sociology and Postcolonial Theory: Sketches of a Postcolonial Relationalism,“ pp. 357-373 in Handbook of Relational Sociology, François Dépelteau, ed. Palgrave-MacMillan.

Go, Julian. 2017 “’Civilization’ and its Subalterns.” Review of International Studies 43(4): 612-620.

Go, Julian. 2017. “Myths of nation and empire: the logic of America’s liberal empire-state.“ Thesis Eleven 139(1): 69-83

Go, Julian. 2017. “Decolonizing Sociology: Epistemic Inequality and Sociological Thought“ Social Problems 64(2): 194-199

Go, Julian. 2017. “Postcolonial Thought as Social Theory,“ in Social Theory Now, Claudio Benezcry, Monika Krause, Isaac Reed, eds.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Go, Julian with George Lawson. 2017. “Globalizing Historical Sociology“ in George Lawson and Julian Go, eds. Global Historical Sociology, Cambridge University Press.

Go, Julian. 2016. “Ilustrado Transnationalism: Filipino Politics across the Empires, 1880s-1910s“ pp. 128-149 in Augusto Espiritu and Martin Manalansan (eds.), Filipino Studies: Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora. New York: NYU Press.

Go, Julian. 2016. “Global Sociology, Turning South: Perspectival Realism and the Southern Standpoint.“ Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate 10(2): 1-42, and “In Defense of the Southern Standpoint: A friendly response to Beigel, Crothers, and Keim,” part of a special forum on my essay “Global Sociology.”

Go, Julian and Monika Krause. 2016. “Fielding Transnationalism.“ Sociological Review 64: 6-30.

Go, Julian. 2016. “W(h)ither the social? On the imperial episteme and Economy of Force.” Security Dialogue 47(3): 201-207.

Go, Julian. 2015. “Anti-Imperialism in the United States Territories, 1898-1950s“ in Jay Sexton and Ian Tyrell (eds.), Empire’s Twin: U.S. Anti-imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Go, Julian. 2014. “Qualitative Methodology: Comparing Societies“ pp. 21-29 in Sasaki Masamchi, Jack Goldstone, and Ekkart Zimmerman, eds., The Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology. Leiden: Brill.

Go, Julian. 2014. “Capital, Containment and Competition: The Dynamics of British Imperialism, 1730-1939.” Social Science History 38(1-2): 43-69.

Go, Julian. 2014. “The Historical Sociology of Empires: Response to Critics” (part of book forum on Patterns of Empire) Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 34(3): 644-651

Go, Julian. 2014. “Beyond Metrocentrism: Empire and Globalism in Early US Sociology.” Journal of Classical Sociology 14(2): 178-202.

Go, Julian. 2014. “Occluding the Global: Analytic Bifurcation, Causal Scientism, and Alternatives in Historical Sociology.“ Journal of Globalization Studies 5(1): 122-136.

Go, Julian. 2013. “Sociology’s Imperial Unconscious: Early American Sociology in a Global Context” pp. 83-105 in George Steinmetz, ed., Sociology and Empire. Durham: Duke University Press.

Go, Julian . 2013. “Introduction: Entangling Postcoloniality and Sociological Thought” Political Power and Social Theory: Postcolonial Sociologies (A Special Volume) 24: 3-31.

Go, Julian. 2013. “For a Postcolonial Sociology.” Theory and Society 42(1): 25-55.

Go, Julian. 2013. “Fanon’s Postcolonial Cosmopolitanism.” European Journal of Social Theory 16(2): 208-225

Go, Julian. 2013. “Decolonizing Bourdieu: Colonial and Postcolonial Theory in Pierre Bourdieu’s Early Work.” Sociological Theory 31(1): 49-74.

Go, Julian. 2012. “Entangled Empires: Transitions to the American Era“ Pp. 335-343 in Alfred McCoy, ed., Eclipse of Empires. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press

Go, Julian. 2011. “American Imperial Identity and the Philippine Experience” in The Philippines and Japan in America’s Shadow, ed. Kiichi Fujiwara and Yoshiko Nagano. National University of Singapore Press
Japanese translation published by Hosei University Press, Tokyo

Go, Julian. 2009. “The New Sociology of Empire and Colonialism.” Sociology Compass 3(5): 775-788.

Go, Julian. 2008. “Global Fields and Imperial Forms: Field Theory and the US and British Empires.” Sociological Theory 26(3): 201-229.

Go, Julian 2008. “Governmentality and Political Meaning in the late Nineteenth-Century Philippines” in Isaac Donoso (ed.), More Hispanic Than We Think. Manila: Vibal Publishing House.

Go, Julian. 2007. “The Provinciality of American Empire: ‘Liberal Exceptionalism and US Colonial Rule.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 49 (1): 74-108.

Go, Julian. 2007. “Waves of American Empire, 1787-2003: US Hegemony and Imperialistic Activity from the Shores of Tripoli to Iraq.” International Sociology 22(1): 5-40.

Go, Julian. 2005. “Imperial Power and its Limits: America’s Colonial Empire” in Lessons of Empire, Craig Calhoun, Frederick Cooper, and Kevin W. Moore (eds). New York: the New Press. Reprinted as “America’s Colonial Empire: the Limits of Power.” Items & Issues (Quarterly of the Social Science Research Council) 2004, 4(4).

Go, Julian. 2005. “Modes of Rule in America’s Overseas Empire: the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Samoa,” in The Louisiana Purchase and American Expansion, eds. Sanford Levinson and Bartholomew Sparrow. Rowan & Littlefield.

Go, Julian. 2004. “‘Racism’ and Colonialism: Meanings of Difference and Ruling Practices in America’s Pacific Empire.” Qualitative Sociology 27(1): 35-58.

Go, Julian. 2003. “Introduction: Global Perspectives on the U.S. Colonial State in the Philippines” in Julian Go and Anne Foster, The American Colonial State in the Philippines: Global Perspectives. Duke University Press.

Go, Julian. 2003. “A Globalizing Constitutionalism? Views from the Postcolony, 1945-2000” International Sociology 18(1): 71-95.
Reprinted in Constitutionalism and Political Reconstruction, ed. Said Arjomand. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007.

Go, Julian. 2002. “Modeling the State: Postcolonial Constitutions in Africa and Asia.” Southeast Asian Studies 39 (4): 557-584.
Reprinted in Making a World After Empire, ed. Christopher Lee. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010.

Go, Julian. 2000. “Chains of Empire, Projects of State: Colonial State-Building in Puerto Rico and the Philippines.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 42(2): 332-362.
Reprinted in Julian Go and Anne Foster, eds., The American Colonial State in the Philippines: Global Perspectives. Duke University Press, 2003.

Go, Julian. 1999. “Colonial Reception and Cultural Reproduction: Filipino Elite Response to U.S. Colonialism.” Journal of Historical Sociology 12 (1): 337-368.

Go, Julian. 1998. “El Cuerpo, Razon, and Kapangyarihan (The Body, Reason, and Power): Filipino Elite Cosmologies of State.” Asian Studies 34 (1): 146-193

Go, Julian. 1997. “Democracy, Domestication, and Doubling in the U.S. Colonial Philippines.” POLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review (Journal of the Association of Political and Legal Anthropology, American Anthropological Association) 20(1): 50-61.

Go, Julian_. 1996. “Inventing Industrial Accident Insurance: The Discourse of Workers’ Compensation in the United States, 1880s-1910s.” Social Science History 20(3): 401-438.