At the University of Chicago, I have had the opportunity to be a Head TA and, in Summer 2025, an instructor of record. I am also completing the College Teaching Certificate Program through the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning.
As Instructor of Record
The American Presidency
- Instructor: Kevin Angell
- Type: Undergraduate
- Course Description: This course examines the institution of the American presidency. It surveys the foundations of presidential power, both as the Founders conceived it, and as it is practiced in the modern era. This course also traces the historical development of the institutional presidency, the president’s relationships with Congress and the courts, the influence presidents wield in domestic and foreign policymaking, and the ways in which presidents make decisions in a system of separated powers.
- Term: Summer 2025 (Scheduled)
As Head TA
Politics and Policy
- Instructor: Christopher Berry
- Type: Undergraduate
- Course Description: This course has two fundamental aims. The first is to introduce students to a set of analytical tools and concepts for understanding how political institutions generate public policy. The second is to apply these tools in examining the major institutions of democracy in the United States.
- Term: Fall 2024
The American Presidency
- Instructor: William Howell
- Type: Undergraduate
- Course Description: This course examines the institution of the American presidency. It surveys the foundations of presidential power, both as the Founders conceived it, and as it is practiced in the modern era. This course also traces the historical development of the institutional presidency, the president’s relationships with Congress and the courts, the influence presidents wield in domestic and foreign policymaking, and the ways in which presidents make decisions in a system of separated powers.
- Guest Lecture: The Institutional Presidency and Bureaucracy
- Term: Fall 2024
Sample TA Evaluations
- “Kevin was the best TA that I have had at UChicago! He clearly had a deep understanding of material, facilitated wonderful discussions, and provided strong feedback on papers.”
- “Kevin was amazing, and everyone in my section seemed to agree. He was both incredibly nice and very competent (which isn’t always or usually the case?) I thought he gave useful feedback on reaction papers and did a good job of running section so as to highlight important points in lecture and readings while answering everyone’s questions. Also, he just really seemed to care about students’ success (multiple review sessions during finals week!!) and just generally seemed like he enjoyed teaching, rather than suffering through it just as part of his program.”
- “Kevin Angell, was a great TA. He was widely available to help and did a good job leading the discussions. Did a good job in checking in on us and making sure we were comprehending the content. He also was willing to make changes in order to help us, so I think he was an amazing TA.”
Full student evaluations and Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning evaluation available upon request!