Kyshia Henderson


Bart-Plange, D, Henderson, K., Hoffman, K., Trawalter, S. (under review). Critiquing and Reimagining Public Spaces in Higher Education.

Trawalter, S., Druckman, J., Henderson, K., (under review). Critical Race Theory and COVID-19 vaccination: An empirical test of interest convergence

Henderson, K. & Trawalter, S. (in preparation). Interrogating the “heritage, not hate” claim about Confederate symbols.

Henderson, K., Hart, J., Trawalter, S. (in preparation). Historical knowledge and perceptions of racism: Replicating the Marley Hypothesis.

Henderson, K., Trawalter, S., Nkan, N. (in preperation). The cyclical nature of racism: A quantitative analysis.

Henderson, K., Trawalter, S. (in preperation). White Americans’ Temporal Distancing of Racist History. 

Trawalter, S., Higginbotham, G., Henderson, K. (2022). Social psychological research on racism and the importance of historical context: Implications for policy. Current Directions in Psychological Science. (link) 

Henderson, K., Powers, S., Claibourn, M., Brown-Iannuzzi, J.L., & Trawalter, S. (2021). Confederate monuments and the history of lynching in the American South: An empirical examination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (link

Brannon, T. N., Higginbotham, G. D., & Henderson, K. (2017). Class advantages and disadvantages are not so black and white: Intersectionality impacts rank and selves. Current Opinion in Psychology, 18, 117-122. (link)

Brannon, T. N., Taylor, V. J., Higginbotham, G. D., & Henderson, K. (2017). Selves in contact: How integrating perspectives on sociocultural selves and intergroup contact can inform theory and application on reducing inequality. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 11(7), 1-15. (link)

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