For the 2020-2021 academic year, the graduate coordinators for the workshop were Gabriela Lomba Guzmán and Luis Madrigal. The faculty sponsors were Danielle Roper and Mareike Winchell.
Autumn Quarter Schedule
All meetings will take place remotely, via Zoom, from 5 to 6.30 PM. Meeting ID: 939 7784 9395. A link will also be distributed via our mailing list, or upon request at
Oct. 1 – Joint reception with the Latin America History Workshop
Oct. 8 – Anjanette M. Chan Tack, PhD Candidate, Sociology, UChicago: How ethnic gender ideologies shape immigrant racial incorporation: Indo-Caribbeans, ‘Wining’ Women, and Racialization at the Black/Asian Interface
Oct. 21 – Miguel Martínez, Associate Professor of Spanish Literature and the College, Romance Languages and Literatures, UChicago: Gender and Philology: Towards a New Edition of Catalina de Erauso’s Vida y sucesos de la Monja Alférez. Co-sponsored by the Early Modern and Mediterranean Worlds Workshop (1200-1800). (Please Note: This session takes place on a Wednesday, not a Thursday)
Nov. 5 – Steven Schwartz, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, UChicago: Bad Winds: Disrupting the Jepirachi Wind Farm. Co-sponsored by the Environmental Studies Workshop.
Nov. 19 – Eduardo Leão, PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures, UChicago, Campos de gusanos y vacas suicidas: el agronegocio apocalíptico en narrativas contemporáneas de Brasil y Argentina
Dec. 3 – Grethel Domenech, PhD Candidate, Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), El intelectual y la revolución: semánticas de un rol en América Latina. (1959-1976). Co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop.
Winter Quarter Schedule
All meetings will take place remotely, via Zoom, from 5 to 6.30 PM. Meeting ID: 939 7784 9395. A link will also be distributed via our mailing list, or upon request at
Jan. 14 – Jessica Swanston Baker, Assistant Professor, Music, The Aesthetics of Speed: Music and the Modern in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Jan. 21 – R. Alexander (Sandy) Hunter, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, Making and Marking the Colonial Landscape: Rites of Possession and Property Creation in Sixteenth Century Ollantaytambo. Co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop.
Jan. 28 – Isabela Fraga, PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures, Enslaved Men of Feeling: Juan Francisco Manzano (1797-1854) and Luiz Gonzaga Pinto da Gama (1830-1882).
Feb. 11 – Enrique Macari, PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures, The Mexican Wasteland: Aesthetic Education in José Vasconcelos’s “Ulises Criollo”. Co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop.
Feb. 25 – Alejandra Azuero, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, Insurgent Accounting: Anti-Corruption Politics in Colombia’s “Water Bond” Scandal. Co-sponsored by the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop.
Mar. 4 – Mauricio Tenorio, Samuel N. Harper Professor, History, TBD. Co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop.
Mar. 11 – Amy Leia McLachlan, Social Sciences Teaching Fellow, Specters, Substitutes, and Surrogates: Materializing Impossible Kinships in Uiboto Urban Plantwork.
Spring Quarter Schedule
All meetings will take place remotely, via Zoom, from 5 to 6.30 PM. Meeting ID: 939 7784 9395. A link will also be distributed via our mailing list, or upon request at
April 1 – Donnette Francis, Associate Professor, English, University of Miami. Oceanic Flesh, Porcelain Skin: Juana Valdes’s Black Hemispheric Imaginary.
April 15 – Victoria Saramago, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literature, University of Chicago. Reimagining Hydropower: Ecofeminist and Transnational Perspectives on Belo Monte.
April 29 – MA Thesis Roundtable
May 13 – Rebeca Villalobos, Professor, Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. Benito Juárez y el mito del héroe en el imaginario político mexicano. Co-sponsored by the Latin American History Workshop (4:30-6:00pm).
May 27 – Nicolás Torres-Echeverry, PhD Candidate, Sociology. University of Chicago. Social Media, Meet Clientelism.