Franke Dissertation Completion Residential Fellowship, spring 2022
- Awarded in recognition of academic achievements for the purpose of completing the dissertation while in residence with the Franke Institute for the Humanities.
“The Archive: Theory, Form, Practice” seminar, fall 2019
- Recipient of a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon foundation to participate in the seminar “The Archive: Theory, Form, Practice” at the Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois
- Participated in eight-week seminar on bridging the theories and practices behind archives and “The Archive” within the humanities and archival studies
- Completed a processing plan for unprocessed additions to a collection housed at the Newberry Library
University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant, spring 2018
- To conduct pre-dissertation archival research in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Foreign Area and Language Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, May 2017
- To pursue the study of Portuguese during the 2017-2018 academic year
University of Chicago, Division of the Humanities Fellowship, April 2016
- To pursue doctoral studies at the University of Chicago in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies program
Phi Beta Kappa Academic Excellence Award, May 2012
Presidential Scholar Award, May 2010
- To pursue undergraduate studies at the State University of New York, University at Albany