Kym Hubbard 

Corporate Board Member, PIMCO Funds & State Auto Financial Corporation 

Kym Hubbard is an experienced financial executive with a track record for success in the financial services industry and executive leadership. Her career includes portfolio management, strategic planning, corporate governance, risk management, structuring and negotiating financial transactions, creating and implementing ESG policies, and P&L responsibility. She has extensive experience in numerous industries, and diverse work experience: auditor at a major accounting firm, sale side and buy side investment/port-folio management experience, impact investing, treasury management, global investment management, and public company Board Audit Committee experience. Her experience does qualify her as a Qualified Financial Expert.

Kym was elected to the Boards of State Auto Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:STFC) ( 2016), the PIMCO Funds (2017), and the PIMCO Equity Funds (2019). At STFC, Kym is Chair of the Investment Committee, and serves on the Audit, Compensation, and Independent Committees. At PIMCO, Kym Co-chairs the Valuation Oversight Committee, and serves on the Audit, Nominating & Governance, and Investment Committees.

Prior to joining the Boards, Kym was the Global Head of Investments for Ernst & Young, Global (EYG). Kym worked with affiliates in the UK, Cana-da, and Latin American Countries on global risk management, corporate governance, and capital and debt restructuring. As Chief Investment Officer and Treasurer, of (EY), Kym managed more than $15B dollars in active defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans for over 67,000 US employees. As Treasurer, she was responsible for the firms’ corporate governance, risk management, credit and debt management, capital structure, cyber security initiatives, and regulatory oversight.

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