Justin Daab

Justin Daab

Former President, Magnani

Justin Daab is an award-winning, customer-focused senior innovation, experience design, digital strategy executive with a proven ability to translate research insights into innovative, industry-leading products and services.

Justin formerly served as Chief Product Officer and Advisor for Cohesion, a commercial real estate prop tech startup in Chicago and as President of Magnani, an award-winning experience design and strategy firm in Chicago. For nearly 30 years, Justin led Magnani’s digital strategy, innovation, experience and service design, and creative capabilities. Under his leadership, Magnani earned recognition as one of the 30 most innovative companies of 2019 by CIO Bulletin, Top Design Agencies of 2019 by Agency Spotter, Top UX Agencies in the US by UpCity, among others.

Throughout his career, Justin has led the development of brand/marketing strategies, product ideation and innovation programs, digital experiences and branding platforms for B2B and B2C companies ranging in size from entrepreneurial startups to Fortune-100 companies. 

An MBA who can do improv, Justin graduated from the University of Oklahoma (where he served for two seasons as the university’s basketball mascot, “Top Daug”), studied improvisational comedy at the Conservatory at Chicago’s famed Second City, and received his MBA from Northwestern University’s prestigious Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Justin is also an avid composer and musician, year-round bicycle commuter, and damn fine dancer (though, admittedly, not all at the same time).

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