Spring 2023
Friday, May 19th, 10:30am – 12pm CST
Primary Reading:
Jonathan P. Berkey, Popular Preaching & Religious Authority in the Medieval Islamic Near East. Seattle & London: U of Washington P, 2001. 3-22.
Michael Camille, “Seeing and Reading: Some Visual Implications of Medieval Literacy and Illiteracy.” Art History 8.1 (1985): 27-50.
David Lawton, Voice in Later Medieval English Literature: Public Interiorities. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. 1-12.
Brian Stock, The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1983. 3-11.
WINTER 2023:
Friday, January 20th, 9:30am – 11am CST
Primary Reading:
Tahera Qutbuddin, Arabic Oration: Art and Function. Boston & Leiden: Brill, 2019. 1-20.
R. W. McCutcheon, “Silent Reading in Antiquity and the Future History of the Book.” Book History 18 (2015): 1-32.
Paul Zumthor, “Spoken Language and Oral Poetry in the Middle Ages.” Style 19.2 (1985): 191-198.
Michel Banniard, “The Transition from Latin to the Romance Languages.” In The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith, and Adam Ledgway, editors. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge UP, 2013. 57-106.