Past Readings in Queer Melancholia:
Queer Melancholia I
The Lexicon Project meets FRIDAY APRIL 29 at 9:30 am CST via zoom to discuss a new series of readings of Queer Melancholia generously curated by Kris Trujillo. We will be discussing this theme during the rest of this Spring. The other dates will be May 13 and May 27.
We will read:
- Dinshaw, Carolyn. “Got Medieval?” Journal of the History of Sexuality, Volume 10, Number 2, 2001, pp. 202-212. [optional]
- ––. Getting Medieval. Sexualities and Communities Pre- and Postmodern. Duke UP, 1999. 1-54.
- Hollywood, Amy. Acute Melancholia and Other Essays. Mysticism, History, and the Study of Religion. Harvard UP, 2016. 1-64.
- ––. “The Normal, the Queer, and the Middle Ages.” Journal of the History of Sexuality, Volume 10, Number 2, 2001, pp. 173-179. [optional]
- Jordan, Mark D. “Touching and Acting, or The Closet of Abjection.” Journal of the History of Sexuality, Volume 10, Number 2, 2001, pp. 180-184. [optional]
- Love, Heather. Feeling Backward. Loss and the Politics of Queer. Harvard UP, 2007. 32-53. [optional]
Queer Melancholia II
The Lexicon Project meets again on FRIDAY MAY 13 at 9:30 am CST via zoom to continue our discussion about Queer Melancholia.
Our readings this week are:
- Cheng, A. A. The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalysis, Assimilation and Hidden Grief. Oxford UP, 2001. 3-29.
- Hindsley, Leonard P. Ed. Margaret Ebner. Mayor Works. Paulist Press, 1993. 85-116; 156-158.
- Freud, Sigmund. “Mourning and Melancholia.” Collected Papers. Vol. IV. Hogarth Press, 1953. 152-170.
We recommend this optional reading:
- Crimp, Douglas. “Mourning and Militancy.” October 51 (1989): 3-18. [optional]