General Methods
Crowd-sourced document for doing fieldwork during a pandemic, initiated by Deborah Lupton.
Doing Ethnography Remotely Video Series from Stanford Center for Global Ethnography. Sharika Thiranagama and Sylvia Yanagisako interview six ethnographers who have conducted research remotely.
Fieldwork in an Era of Pandemia: Digital (and Other) Alternatives World Council of Anthropological Associations Webinar. Presentations by Pam McGrath, Shiaki Kondo, Rosalda Aida Hernandez, and Daniel Miller.
How to Conduct an Ethongraphy during Social Isolation Video by Daniel Miller.
“Collecting COVID-19” A crowd-sourced digital ethnography of the COVID-19 Pandemic, organized by the UCL Center for Digital Ethnography. It also includes more resources for ethnographers working during COVID-19
Reading List about Historical Ethnography and Archives
Davis, Natalie Zemon. 1990. Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales and Their Tellers in Sixteenth-Century France. Stanford University Press.
Trouillot, Michel-Rolph. 1995. Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History. Beacon Press.
Trouillot, Michel-Rolph. 2003. Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World. Palgrave.
Reflections on what the COVID-19 Pandemic means for Anthropology
Funding Anthropological Research in the Age of Covid-19 by Danilyn Rutherford.
The Future of Anthropological Research Ethics, Questions, and Methods in the Age of COVID-19, from the Wenner-Gren blog.
A Manifesto for Patchwork Ethnography by Gökçe Günel, Saiba Varma, and Chika Watanabe.
Wrestling with the Unexpected in Anthropology Video by Anand Pandian.
Anthrodendum Series: Fieldwork in a Time of Coronavirus
Series Introduction by Josh Babcock
Fieldwork and the Nation Under Threat: Rethinking Critique, Recentering Relationships by Josh Babcock.
No Longer a Field by Rachel Howard.
Connecting through the Layered Traumas of Fieldwork by CD Green.
Pandemic Productivity by Hanna Pickwell.
Disaster, Dystopia, and Disphony by Pranathi Diwakar.
Home, Work, Homework, and Fieldwork by Yukun Zeng.
(E)thnographic Correspondence and Collaborative Improvisation by Joelle Powe, Thea McRae, Christina Jones and Laith A. Ayogu.