A short breather from the Autumn quarter, which has rushed by. I’ll try to post on various updates this week and in coming weeks, but first of all, some thank-yous to people who have made Logeion and adjacent sites (Philo4Classics for one) better in the past year.
- Walt Shandruk does a lot of work on the Logeion back-end and on PhiloLogic. I’d need to find any number of people as a replacement for what he does in off-hours from his actual job. Eleanor Timmermann in the Divisional offices finally made his position easier to continue year over year, despite the fact that Logeion does not have an actual budget.
- Josh Day is the person who designed Attikos for reading Greek on iOS, and who developed the Logeion iOS app and most of Logeion’s various design updates over the years.
- A user got in touch to repair a long-standing line-numbering bug in Attikos. Thank you Geraint!
- Retro got its Riddle-Arnold data from Fergus Walsh.
- Jack Noutch ensured that Plutarch Moralia essays now have titles in LSJ.
- Kasey Corra and Gaby Garcia gave Plautus continuous line number in Lewis & Short.
- The consortium Translatable-Exegetical-Tools (TExT) produced Abbott-Smith’s New Testament dictionary.
- Ineke Sluiter led the effort to produce the Greek-Dutch lexicon that came out this year.
- Josh Dillon and Michael McOsker are the top contributors to the Logeion problem reports. You are spared (just to take their latest) from seeing Έρως and ὑπός χηται because they report it. Can I point out that you too have this super power? Logeion’s users make it better, incrementally, just about every day of the year. Thank you all.
- Sure, you can send money to the Department of Classics (it would be nice). My uninformed guess is that gifts earmarked for Logeion would make more of a ‘political’ than a financial difference. Logeion is run on a shoestring, and the shoestring is reliable mostly due to policies of the undergraduate College (not to mention tenure, of course).