The post-Cobet era (PhiloLogic problem report)

I make edits to the texts you can search at all the time, but they are for silly reasons like diacritics or capitals that are off or other errors during data preparation. Occasionally I’ll bring a text in line with what current editions say. But the changes are not because I think I could have said it better. An anonymous problem report today says that the younger Pliny is being tautological, so the text should be changed. Sorry, but no. Mynors (1966) prints it too; it will stay until you get me a better text (or a better argument) that gets rid of it. But I can’t tell this user that this is my response because there was no name or email address.

PS – In case of misunderstandings: Please do keep sending in actual errors/typos/etc.! I would love to be able to thank you or follow up in case things are unclear, so please leave an email address.

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