Right, Plautus.. (the inscrutable ways of Lewis & Short)

(Edited post)
Nobody has time, but at some point this century, Plautus will get now has usable line numbers! The script also allowed us to identify the bad stuff that had so far escaped our attention. With thanks to Kasey (see further below!), I present to you Plautus Amphitryo 8, 26, which in fact is, eh, Cic. De Amicitia §26. Grr.

Found a few more errors, and there are still two or three passages I can’t place, but on 22000 in total that’s not bad.. Now on github.

I’m declaring this project done, with many thanks to Paul McKenna, who went through all the Plautus texts to find the line numbers for every last scene, and to Gabi and Kasey, who came up with the processing script. Thank you all!  A preview from our test-installation: 

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