Tom Sawyer thoughts (Internet Archive, redux)

Had a wonderful follow-up exchange with someone from the Internet Archive. My current target of interest is getting a new OCR attempt as I write this! Lovely conversation; I now know a little bit more about how they work. If you are on Twitter, you’ll see that I was basically encouraged to send them a wishlist for any items I’d like to see re-processed.

Why Tom Sawyer thoughts? I am super grateful that they are doing something that would like to see done (like that fence) and at the same time the guy on the other end is saying they’re grateful for a subject expert’s evaluation of their resources.. (which I’m obviously happy to do!). Tom Sawyer squared/mirrored, everybody happy!

Now the question is how much the re-processing will improve the results. Updates to come.

A reminder that you can donate to them..

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